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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. Schwa.


    Jebus. Guatamala Sinkhole
  2. dis-gus-ting display by the bullpen last night.
  3. your wife sure does love baby puke.
  4. Cuz you live in buttfuck nowhere and don't drive?
  5. C-towns' suck knob goes to 11. yep, suck knob.
  6. great game to watch yesterday Lovin' all the dingers!!
  7. This just in: Oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico simply turns out to be the cast of Jersey Shore taking a swim.
  8. P. Eng. can oath ya too, if you know one.
  9. Umphrey's McGee from Amsterdam this past March. 01. Intro 02. Partyin' Peeps 03. Mantis > 04. Miss Tinkle's Overture 05. Walletsworth 06. Utopian Fir > 07. Conduit > 08. Mantis 08. Wizard Burial Ground 10. In the Kitchen 11. Comfortably Numb 12. Linear 13. 1348
  10. fuck yeah buddy! can't believe we're not in the same room right now. fack'n fail.
  11. you could always just roll the pennies.
  12. ((pats imaginary business partner on head)) Of course he is
  13. If jaydawg and hipsterave aren't the same person, i'll eat my hat.
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