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Everything posted by Schwa.

  1. Just got the MRI results back. I owe you 1 deeply bruised leg bone and a case of bursitis that hurts like a mutherphucker. Oh, and happy fucking birthday.
  2. Here's the one you're talking about. fucking embarrassing if you ask me.
  3. that sound makes the games unwatchable with the sound on. tunes in the background with the tv sound off is the only way to watch right now. ban them fucking things already.
  4. His 1st post in years what what prompted my comment.
  5. we're in the same boat, dude Aside from that Rooney fella, i can't name a single player. I should have gone with the Woody Boyd method...
  6. I'm willing to take all comers on the fact that I WILL finish dead last in this pool. I'm embarrassed that I even go in pools in the first place.
  7. Dour and gloomy well put. I put this album on at sleepy time. puts me right out with it's dourness.
  8. Roll Call: Chose Mexico and France as the winners. aye. Today is a no brainer.
  9. Lookin' at you 'Constable.'
  10. stop. you are giving me a geek chubby. I thought you were a chick!
  11. yep. We're entered the sporting black hole. No football, no hockey, basketball's over in a week (like anyone even watches) World Cup soccer is a small consolation.
  12. I'll miss you. See ya in September!
  13. alright, made some picks. Hope everything worked out, I'm not a "pool" person and have fucked up many a registration in the past. also, I'm much worse at picking soccer winners than football....and we all know how much i suck at that.
  14. must i register with the site first? I'm an idiot and need more instruction.
  15. I heard the Major League goes through about 900,000 balls in a season. ((insert Mom joke here ___________))
  16. I'm impressed for sure. I can't believe the late movement on that fastball!
  17. The Beaudelairs Shat? LOL!
  18. no doubt, the Reds are doing quite well.....quite as well as the Jays, infact. 33-25 the both of em on this day Difference being that the Jays are in 4th fucking place in their division and 3rd in the Wild Card standings...yep, Jays are 4th in the American League and 4th in their division. Fuck the American League East.
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