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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. TheSloth

    I'm off!

    Safe travels mon ami.
  2. People looking for jobs often attend functions that may lead to work. Signed, Your left nut
  3. That'd be a double jinx in some parts.
  4. Nice timing on that post Guigsy.
  5. Wow, game's in delay but the Reds are getting hammered, aaah well.
  6. PS Are you coming out to the Carleton on Saturday?
  7. You know what Booche, I think I'm with you on this one. As of today, by not reporting, Revis nulls this season as counting towards his free agency, further more he had the option of voiding the last two years of his rookie contract. Basically if he played for his 1M this year he could have voided his contract and become a free agent for next season. The Jets have the to option to buy back the final two years of his contract at what I believe is 20M (10 per year). So really Revis is someone looking at 10M but wanting 15M having already earned around 3M per year factoring in the signing bonus. You win.
  8. Mike Greenwell! (that fucker broke my heart)
  9. Damn it, I missed everything, the game, the highlights, video is removed.
  10. Aaaaaaaaah, I gotcha. (just giving the current contract a harder look, I'm still going with he's massively under paid and he should go get more while he's got leverage)
  11. I was just agreeing with you fucknuts! (and clarifying that the contracts weren't guaranteed, yeah, I know it's pretty common knowledge but hey there might be one person reading Rich that didn't know that). Besides I'm not used to you making intelligent points, it threw me off. Go eat a lobster and drink some rum. Actually that's the whole point. They can cut a player anytime they fucking please, and if the player isn't injured they get nothing. The only guaranteed money is the signing bonus, that's why the bonuses are huge in the NFL. A player and team are free to renegotiate again but players just go elsewhere for the same amount the team wants to pay or even less sometimes. That's the whole cluster fuck of NFL contracts and why I more often than not agree with the player that's being massively underpaid (not the guy that's getting 4 but wants 6).
  12. DeAngelo Hall is getting 6.5M from Washington and he's not fit to wipe Revis' ass (not to mention the 15M signing bonus) but..... NFL contracts are probably the only pro contracts where I'll often support the player that's being vastly underpaid. Their contracts aren't guaranteed and their careers are often too short.
  13. It really is the only way to be sure.
  14. That bottle gets a score of 19 (out of 20) on whisky-distilleries and probably even higher on their price to quality index. Very good bottle of scotch (not sure if I've tried it or not, Mel's dad is a complete scotch nut and feeds me various high ranking scotches when we visit).
  15. You might be right again Badams.
  16. Well, that was a rough inning.
  17. Dont' use my real name damn it, I don't care if we've known each other for eons, let alone lived in the same duplex for seven years there might be one or two people on this board I haven't been introduced to yet! This can't be happening again, ooooooooooh god. Please BelouSkiz this thread mods!
  18. Jesus christ, how have you made it this far
  19. What's the betting line on Asparagus covering the patio in puke because I've got good money saying it's going to happen again.
  20. Fat Albert passed his fitness test on the weekend. Sure his knees are already shot and it's not even Game 1 of preseason but I'm feeling SuperBowl for the Skins.
  21. Just picked up a pair on the web, with delivery and service charges it came out to $38.50, seems fair enough to me. Thanks for the booking Briguy, can't wait.
  22. 29 million dollars worth of signing bonuses between the two, YIKES! Sssssssshhhhhh! I've been trying to operate behind the scenes.
  23. He's not awesome and he needs to improve his football IQ but I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised (well how could you not, you just got through the JaMarcus era) Yes, those are skittles in JaMarcus' pants.
  24. Damn! He's actually looking in pretty good shape! That whole situation stinks. I'm torn on this one, seeing Fat Albert on his back, gassed, for most of last season was awful and I'm glad Shannie's cracking the whip because the Skins need an asshole (that's not Dan Snyder) at the helm but Fat Albert came in 40 pounds lighter this year and he's really not a nose tackle (that's what Shannie wants him to play primarily). The Skins are the second biggest travesty in the NFL ...... (but of course I've already ingested tons of the kool aid and have the mind set that McNabb is leading them to a wild card)
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