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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. we happened upon this a few years ago but missed seeing the skaters (it had just ended). the course looks awesome though!
  2. BIG picture in the Entertainment section of today's Citizen. Good press can't hurt!
  3. When do tix go on sale?
  4. The canal is open as of today, from Pretoria to Bank. We're gonna get our hung over heads out there for some ice time.
  5. I'm always too hung over to party with you in person on the anniversary of your birth, so happy e-birthday to you my dear friend, happy birthday.
  6. I wholly intend to be there. 'Course I'm more interested in the old stuff so I'll likely be leaving after the first set.
  7. Velvet


    Thanks everyone! I had a spectacular birthday, and a huge thanks to my lovely girlfriend who made about 200 different snacks for us to enjoy last night. I now look like one of the humans in Wall-e. Here's hoping I a middle-aged!
  8. Velvet


    Thank you everyone. As anyone that knows me knows, on my birthday I become a boozed up six year old. I just saw how much cheese goes into a cheesecake and I am both appalled and intrigued. There will also be chip dip if I can possibly hold out on eating it this afternoon with a spoon and a smile. That should read and/or.
  9. Not surprising given that only 1,300 of the 2,300 union members voted whether or not to strike in the first place. (numbers extracted from the union website Mr. Dinghy linked to)
  10. Hope you have a great day my friend and a year full of excitement before you.
  11. Happy Birthday Jay. I hope you have a great day and a helluva year ahead.
  12. Dear Other Work, Hey, thanks for the raise today!!! -velvet ps Don't tell, but I like you even more than Work.
  13. As a sidebar, Ethan (who is Jewish) started a band with two other friends (one of whom is also Jewish). They called their band Jew2.
  14. Mr. rock and roll personified. I'm glad you're still with us and I look forward to your next tour with great anticipation.
  15. Dear Work, You know I love you, and I always have. You treat me with respect and surround me with like-minded individuals. You help me to spread my love of music to the masses and I can think of few other things I would rather do. And to my students, thanks for the little xmas presents that make up for the fact that work doesn't make enough money to give us holiday bonuses. Especially you Ethan, who, at the age of thirteen, sat patiently waiting for his lesson yesterday with a 26er of Crown Royal on his lap. Waking up was understandably hard today Work, but thanks to you I don't actually have to be anywhere until 2pm. Love always, -velvet
  16. I have plans for the afternoon but could drop by afterwards. Can someone tell me when Dave will actually be starting his set or sets?
  17. To me this list implies that OC Transpo drivers are the fourth highest paid bus drivers in Canada. Is that true? Boy, the Montreal drivers must have it bad.
  18. It's too bad we missed that show, sounds like it would have been awesome!
  19. Really?!?! Dylan made a movie?!?!? I must know when this can be seen in Ottawa.
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