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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. I might be purr-suaded to sponser a fosterkitty.
  2. Things are well here, though busy packing and unpacking. Glad to hear you're well shain and sorry to hear you're not jaimoe.
  3. Toughie. I've also had to make hard choices encountering foreign animal policy. I think you should become the Mexican Cat Lady. You can become a legend and a saint all in one swoop.
  4. Shouldn't deer season open at 5am or something?
  5. Velvet


    Sounds fantastic. Good on you for organising your own fest!
  6. Congratulations, but as I've learned, don't hold your breath waiting for the youtube royalty cheques. By the way, I can't see it through that link. What do I type in to find it at youtube?
  7. For the record, I didn't see the hologram things you guys were talking about, I only saw the 3-D White House thing and I was pretty sure it was only us that could see it. What amazed me is how far a tv network felt they had to take things to capture an audience, especially on the biggest news day in a decade.
  8. One of the things that I found weird about it was how good it looked on tv. Y'know how tv looks strange when you see it on tv? There's a syncronization difficulty, in the tv's broadcast in an every-2nd-line sort of way as I understand it. So I was amazed at how good the hologram looked on tv. The true explanation clears that up.
  9. I was truly amazed, a raving lunatic with my jaw on the floor. Until I read this thread I hated it, but now I'm a bit intrigued.
  10. My next door neighbor (who is nuts, in a bad way) looks like Mr. The Plumber.
  11. Exotic dancer files age discrimination complaint Last Updated: Monday, November 3, 2008 | 9:57 AM Kim Ouwroulis doesn't believe her age should be a barrier in her chosen career: exotic dancing. In an unusual test of age discrimination laws, the 44-year-old Toronto-area woman has filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, alleging the owner of a strip club fired her because she was too old. Ouwroulis says she and three other women were fired last summer, allegedly for the same reason. The owner of the club has not returned phone calls from CBC News. "I was told by a manager, 'Your time is up here,'" she said. "At first I was speechless. And I said, well, 'Why am I being fired — my age?' 'The boobs and the blond hair, usually you can't go wrong in a strip club with those two things.'—Kim Ouwroulis, exotic dancer "I was told they were going in a new direction with younger girls," said Ouwroulis. Ouwroulis started her exotic dancing career four years ago, and says she raked in thousands of dollars each week. Since her dismissal, she has found work at another establishment. "I'm a bubbly blond with a good personality. The boobs and the blond hair, usually you can't go wrong in a strip club with those two things," she said. Denise Reaume, a University of Toronto professor who specializes in discrimination law, says the complaint explores uncharted territory. "These kinds of cases don't get litigated very often and so there's not a lot of hard thinking about them," says Reaume. Under the Ontario Human Rights Code, employers are barred from treating a worker differently because of their age. But while age discrimination cases typically examine the person's ability to perform their job, this case will look at how appearance, as it relates to age, plays a part. Reaume says the respondent's underlying objection doesn't have to do with the quality of the dance, but rather the general appeal and look of the dancer. "The question is going to be whether this employer can defend the argument that sex appeal is the essence of the job. … This is tricky because sexual response is as variable as human beings are." http://www.cbc.ca/canada/ottawa/story/2008/11/03/dancer-ohrt-complaint.html
  12. Fortunately my new roomie has some Talking Heads so I'm covered.
  13. Montreal show was incredible. It occured to me during the show that I've never owned a David Byrne or Talking Heads recording, and just how much a mistake that was. I felt like I was watching a concert on the Starship Enterprise. Music from the future. The choreography was stellar, Byrne had the confidence of an American Bowie, and the Montreal crowd was a joy to be a part of. Bonus marks for ending the show early so I could get back to Ottawa at a reasonable hour. Great, great show. I hope the rest of you enjoyed it half as much as I did. I'm not sure of the setlist, but it looks like Montreal was pretty similar to the Toronto setlist above.
  14. Wow, do I wish I hadn't posted my weak analogy/joke.
  15. Cross-Eyed And Painless sounds like Gimme Some Lovin'.
  16. Boo. That sucks man. Being the victim of thievery is a very frustrating and unfortunate experience. I feel for you. As always, it could have been worse.
  17. In Ottawa tonight, featuring a special guest vocalist that will astound and amaze. The Legion, all the way upstairs Kent Street just south of Somerset $5 DJ until 10pm The Flaps DJ until later This should be pretty freakin' fun.
  18. Please explain. I will say though that that line started as a typo that I chose not to correct.
  19. I can't explain without writing a book, but cellphones appear to be changing society dramatically, and seemingly for the worse. I'll admit that I'm crazy.
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