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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. Then thing about talking to a passenger is everyone involved is in the car and able to simultaneously react to the world around them. If someone cuts you off everyone in the car notices and shuts up, the driver doesn't have to explain why he can't concentrate on the conversation just then. Also, passenger conversation is often idle chit chat and not something that requires much concentration. If you're doing work stuff on the phone or even discussing stuff to pick up at the grocery store it's a different story. All cellphone use should be banned, though I'd be happy for now if they just banned it while driving. Studies put it on par with drunk driving so the legislators should choose to ignore the lobbyists on this one.
  2. Pfft. First they ban drunk driving and now this: Drivers in Ontario could be fined as much as $500 if they're caught using their cellphones under a proposed new law. Transportation Minister Jim Bradley's new legislation calls for a ban on the use of hand-held devices to talk, e-mail or send text messages while driving. The ban wouldn't affect the use of hands-free devices or 911 calls, but includes portable video games and DVDs. Global positioning systems will be allowed, as long as they're properly secured to the dashboard. There are no demerit points attached to the bill, but drivers who place others at risk by using one of the banned devices can also be charged under the existing careless driving laws. They could face fines of up to $1,000, six demerit points, a driver's licence suspension and even jail time. Legislation similar to this was introduced for the first time nearly 10 years ago by Progressive Conservative MPP John O'Toole. He thinks the government's legislation should take a softer approach, pushing education over punishment. "On first offences, what they should do is require them to take some kind of course on driver distraction to show them in these lab things how you are 25 per cent more likely to be in an accident if you're involved with technology. So I would start that way, don't start with the hammer, start with the educational piece, I think that's the important part." said O'Toole. The ministry says the ban is needed because driver distraction is a factor in 20 per cent of all accidents. Newfoundland and Labrador became the first province to ban the use of hand-held cellphones in 2003, while Quebec and Nova Scotia both moved earlier this year to stop drivers from using hand-held cellphones. The Ontario Medical Association is on record saying speaking on a phone while driving puts people at "a significantly greater risk" of getting in an accident, and warns that using hands-free devices doesn't really lower that risk. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/2008/10/28/cell-phones.html
  3. I still really like that album. General Hand Grenade is killer.
  4. I too saw them in March and it was surprisingly good.
  5. Wow. If I recall correctly those shows are free, and there is even free pop and chips.
  6. I went for a stroll this morning through the winter wonderland and it felt great! I'm really looking forward to winter!
  7. Happy, happy, happiest birthday at you today .
  8. I want to but with an ailing roommate and moving boxes piled high we'll have to wait and see. Do you know exactly where and approximately when they are playing?
  9. Now, y'see, that's just not the right attitude! You should go to work expecting the best in people, and if you happen across one of those whining Winonas just put on a smile as big as a rainbow and tell them to go fuck a unicorn.
  10. Is the Java Barn that campus place just across the border to the US?
  11. that looks like fun jaydawg! i'll be away tho i like the name too
  12. When did you see that?!? I'm very dissappointed it won't be on tonight because of some stupid baseball game. COPS is one of the only reasons I turn on the tv. It astounds me that they broadcast that sort of inside information.
  13. Smashing success last night. I really enjoyed the shots. The pics were great too.
  14. I didn't know it was gonna be that kind of party!
  15. I call hoax. Dima just did a copy and paste fromPT. I saw the same post over there a few days ago.
  16. C. R. Avery is fantastic and worth way more than $5. Wish I could be there.
  17. This is starting to get a little weird.
  18. Thanks for the tip bradm. I'll have to try and get out to this one.
  19. Thanks everyone. I read that guys comments and they don't bother me a bit. He doesn't attack my writing, and he misunderstood my point. I don't think much of Treys lyrics either, it's more his arrangement I was referring to. Matter of fact, I don't use the word "lyrics" anywhere in the review I think. Anyways, thanks again everyone. The encouragement is really appreciated and useful.
  20. Thanks! I'm trying to write more, with the help of my sensei shainhouse.
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