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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. Velvet


    *slowly backing away from Birdys financial advice*
  2. Velvet


    Strangely, I don't remember Harper mentioning this eventuality during the election. I suppose it caught him unawares.
  3. Yeah, I think I saw Guigsy more when he lived away. Though I guess I don't get out much.
  4. It's funny seeing my avatar and Kevo's in succession. At least 66% of those eyes look kinda glassy and euphoric.
  5. Velvet


    But is the Euro going down as well?
  6. Velvet


    As someone ignorant to currency fluctuations, I wonder: I will be changing Canadian dollars to Euros in a few weeks. Should I do this now, or should I wait?
  7. Never seen him, but his Let Love Rule album is so good he must be worth $0, at least.
  8. Never has a clearer post been followed by a murkier one. At least not without Canned Beats being involved. Kudos all around, really.
  9. Looks like it is at Brass Taps.
  10. Hey all, just wanted to let you know the John Henrys are playing tomorrow night somewhere at U. of Guelph, If you're around, check 'em out, they're a damn good band.
  11. I hope that's why the whole crowd spent the show looking at their Blackberrys. I was starting to think that nobody would ever be happy where they were again.
  12. Velvet

    NYC for NYE

    Les Paul (yep, that Les Paul) plays every Monday night at the Iridium in Times Square, it's about $35. Paul Reed Smith (yep) plays every Tuesday night at the Hard Rock Cafe, and that's free.
  13. That's the power of schwag. Right or wrong gay little dollar store things breed loyalty. I know it works for me.
  14. Totally agreed Mr. Bear.
  15. With an argument like that I know when to stop.
  16. How did the Green Shift propose to work with industry? By fostering the alternative energy industry and making Canada a world leader in what the planet's largest polluters will be clamoring for in the years to come.
  17. That's what the Green Shift proposed to do, and that's perhaps why 240 economists signed an open letter supporting it.
  18. One of the big reasons I'm happy we pulled tix. I woulda been at it for the next week or two.
  19. We got tickets to the show but nowhere to stay. Maybe you got a nice hotel reservation you won't be using? Let's get in touch.
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