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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. christ...did he get DUMMIED win some you lose some. we're not perfect!
  2. I forgot to mention the Food Court at the Loblaws has a great deal on fried chicken and potato wedges.
  3. I happened to notice that Bon Jovi is doing a Canadian Tour in July!!! :chug:
  4. Zetterberg and Neidermayer for Brodeur
  5. Everyone knows I still want a goaler....make me an OFFER!
  6. Caught a glimpse of Mike Fisher on the red carpet!!! That Jamie Foxx, Slash, T-Pain (alcoholic song) thing was probably the worst thing I've ever subject my eyes and ears to. It was like a train wreck...absolutely terrible, but for some strange reason I wasn't able to peel my eyes from the screen.
  7. Speaking of Raycroft... Giving it to the fans last night in toronto was great...skating over to the glass...giving props to nuck fans, laughing at Leaf fans... Loves it! :chug: man I drank alot yesterday for 12 hours of hockey.
  8. hhahahhaha...that's funny... Good news...Giggy'll get some start now and maybe I'll move up in the pool!
  9. It's amazing what a stint in the AHL can do to a kid. He's completely changed since the beginning of the season. I love Kovalev.
  10. http://www.viceland.com/int/v17n1/htdocs/chocolate-and-cheese-and-striped-bass-296.php?page=1
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