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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. I'm willing to part with Zetterberg for a decent goaler...anyone? or another d-man....
  3. I didn't know you could stare bullshit. You know I'm right. I made you another offer anyways... Is there anyone on my team you would take for that goaltender?
  4. Basically...I started the bidding on the yahoo site...I was talking about the comments that come along the with trade via email... I basically said... I'll take Dipietro...but not sure what you want. I offered Vanek...expecting you to say...I've got too many LWingers but I'll take Zetterberg...and I'd say, oh if you want Zetterberg than you'd have to give up blah blah blah... Instead I get...Elliott for Zetterberg...that's just foolish...just tried to start some dialogue with you. Vanek is a decent player...
  5. Thomas Vanek for a goaltender who is oft injured and hasn't played in a year... How is that foolish? Again...obviously you didn't read my comments...why don't you go read them...then come back to me.
  6. Did you not read my comments? You said you were willing to trade Dips... I offered Vanek... You counter offer Elliot for Zetterberg? How the fuck does that work?
  7. Are you nuts.... you think Dips is going to play the last 40 games? He won't even get you 40 pts.... have fun.
  8. If Andre doesn't take my deal Sean...I'll take Varlamov for Ron Hainsey....
  9. If the Vancouver Canucks are playing the Detroit Red Wings at the Calgary Saddledome at 12:15 local time, and I live in Newfoundland, and want to watch the game on the Eastern Ontario Time Shift station, what time should I be watching the game?
  10. I wasn't...Acid would probably be the way to go... I just can't get over how damn cool it was...I also like small blue titties....
  11. Oh...and if you weren't aware... IMAX at SilverCity in Ottawa is now reserved seating...if you book early enough in advance, you are assured of getting wicked seats and you don't have to wait in line....Me and Steph bought our tix an hour early, picked our seats, then took off for a bit...They are Nazi-ish...watched them remove quite a few people sitting in the wrong seats...saw an old couple get busted twice. Love this idea!
  12. Holy Canoli...loved this movie...the shots are breathtaking.... It ain't the greatest story, but it is something you really must see in 3D at the IMAX...Christ...I nearly swatted at imaginary bugs many many times.....
  13. Yeah...I picked up a cook book once and in wasn't very friendly.... Tossed er away....
  14. I feel I've been hit over the head with the stupid stick the last few days...
  15. Wait a sec...are those local times?
  16. Hockey Sked.... http://www.ctvolympics.ca/hockey/schedule/index.html Most games 4:30 starts....PVR's going to get alot of use!
  17. I liked the smoker ep...the one made out of two clay pots.... and the deep frying turkey...with ladders and pulleys etc. Guy makes me laugh!
  18. I had no idea what a raclette was...looked it up and it sounds fun! Kinda like fondue I guess...Anyways, I found this photo....and some others I couldn't get to work... Goodness me.
  19. Wow. Terrible news. My condolences.
  20. Best part of it being free after 11 is that if you are WAAAAAAY to shit-faced we won't let you on...and you'll have to take a cab. Went to the game with the father in law yesterday, wasn't going to submit him to the bus...the last time I took the bus I didn't get out any faster anyways.... I didn't even know there was a lot to the west of the arena...thought that's where the players parked. Waiting for valet takes just as long...you got to wait for ever to get to the counter, then buddy has to get your car.... It's lose lose...They need a train going out there...I will however, still go to games, I am, a fan....and I will get deals....
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