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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. Not sure what I love the most... a)the dancing b)ween c)upside down bottle of water in the face.
  2. Still sad Mr. T isn't in it
  3. rubberdinghy


    Can we vote for voodoolady? All kidding aside....such a tragedy. Hoping all my cousins in law are OK.
  4. Unless your on the West Coast.....
  5. for the love of christ...thank god I'm not watching this shit show...
  6. 10pm thursday night?! that's late
  7. Willing to part with Zetterberg or Neidermayer for a top flight goaler....
  8. There's nothing wrong with liver.
  9. It's almost like eating sunflower seeds...
  10. It's a Rom Com. You know Avatar will take over number 1 EASILY
  11. I question the premise of your rejection.
  12. Man...that could be tough with Dipietro coming back....I'll drop a Left winger on you for him.
  13. coulda been a mistake... oh well...figured Elliott wouldn't be playing that much with Leclaire back...needed a backup that was going to play a few...
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