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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. BTW..that Bugatti bit didn't really cost NBC 1.5 Million dollars.... Apparently it was a loaner, that still cost about $25000
  2. Now...my other question is... Why is he doing this?
  3. So, how is this allowed to happen...Is there a vote or does the PM just say "Aw Fuck it, I'm not happy, let's prorogue?" So bill C-6 is finished...what's to stop it from being passed again in a few years?
  4. HAHAHAHHAA!!! I say tomato, you say patato!
  5. Celebrate Originality? how is that original?
  6. You mean to tell me Santana isn't good? CMON...Didn't he do something with that douchebag from Nickelback! That was the greatest song ever!
  7. No Doubt will be Leno's first guest on his new/old show?
  8. Can someone explain pro-rogue to me in rubberdinghy terms.... Everything on the interweeb is confusing me... Pierogies on the other hand...Clocktower Pub does them fine
  9. It wasn't me....I hope....
  10. What's the deal with a 1pm game on a Monday?
  11. Woot woot...early end time though. JENNIE'S ON THE BOARD!
  12. Really...I'm never up that late! I know it's 1130 but i'm usually in bed.
  13. ALFIE IS BACK. Brodeur with the start! the times they are a changin!
  14. Seriously? I was thinking of grabbing him.
  15. I should pick up another Vonnegut book...it's been a few years, but I've read Breakfast of Champions and Monkeyhouse...both great.... I'm really into courtroom dramas, thrillers, and detective murder mysteries right now. At Christmas I got: Gorky Park-The first book in the Arkady Renko series. (I accidently read Wolves Eat Dogs, out of order, figured I'd start at the beginning) The Templar Legacy-historical fiction, find I've read a few things like this recently...mostly Dan Brown stuff... It's really helped me quit smoking, gives me something else to do when I'm bored at work (smoke free 2 months, cold turkey, and I didn't even try that Allen Carr book again)
  16. BRODEUR!!!!!! Ok...2 things... Did it not seem like Brodeur was very calm and relaxed between the pipes tonight compared to what we usually see from Leclaire and Elliott? Also...love the way he's always standing up tall in front of the net. Let's start a 3 way goalie controversy this year!!
  17. twice....three times a lady...I LOOOOOOVE YOU!
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