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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. A win is a win... Yowzers... Neil, Foligno, Spezza, Leclaire and Donovan out of the lineup.
  2. Holy Fuck...Use the St' Hubert's poutine sauce instead...it's 17 times bedder.
  3. oooo...that sounds like fun!!!
  4. You guys are gay. Sorry I don't have time these days to remind you that even though Kovy is sucking it hard, we still have the better record.
  5. I saw Ween. That is good enough for me. Oh...and those phish guys.
  6. BTW...Albany Pump Station.... They gots a fine burg....cooked to order..(medium) with bacon and havarti with jalapenos... yum!
  7. I do love the thick milkshakes from the Arches... new holiday treat with bailey's hmmmmmmmmm
  8. Maybe it's time for a Jambands.ca benefit show to raise money for a drop-in centre... We get drunk, listen to sweet music, and the kids will have a place to go while the parents go out, listen to sweet music and get drunk. I'm pretty sure we could get Trooper and April Wine to play!!! David Wilcox? Jimmy Swift hasn't been around in a while..(or they have and I just haven't noticed)
  9. I was copying Jay and BoilerRat...now...what do I do with this thing...
  10. rubberdinghy at gmail . com
  11. Spezza's goal was a fucking laser beam into the net last night. WOW, Sloth and I saw the puck leave his stick and knew it was a goal right away. Last night was a sell-out BTW... Can sell out against Columbus but not the Caps? Hmmmmm obviously something wrong with ticket prices.
  12. http://www.bekingseggs.com/web/index2.html
  13. I'll megaupload yer share Jakis... isohunt.com still gets the goodies though
  14. It's seems quite a few of the American feeds suck... Rogers 22 broadcasts better 67's games for christ sake.
  15. Be careful you guys....this guy'll send you back to Canada
  16. San Jose=Real Hockey Town... and I used to believe everything on the Internets
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