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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. I dunno...you couldn't go through with the last deal.
  2. SOOOOOOOOO... Back to the ole... Who's got my heady goalie............ Damn Leclaire...He's more injury prone than Martin Havlat
  3. Pascale fucking Leclaire!!! Out 4 weeks with a busted face.
  4. rubberdinghy

    NYC Restaurant

    Was the chef of WD-50 on Top Chef Masters?
  5. Have the folks at Yahoo taken a holiday...Games played is still fugazied and as of last night the Stat Tracker wasn't working...
  6. I'll be there Saturday...First phish show in almost 10 years!
  7. hahahhahahhaa! I finally figured out how to get into that website...Not sure if they have chickens, but they do have eggs... obviously they have chickens... Christ...you know what I mean
  8. As per our convo on saturday night... http://www.bekingseggs.com/ They've got what has to be the best website on the interwebs...
  9. I tried to vote...but think it's now officially over.
  10. Big Macs. I would give up nothing/everything for them. Why can't they be fucking healthy
  11. What you say is true.... Phillips first goal on the night was amazing. Phillips x2 Carkner Michalek Kelly Cheechoo. Interesting goal scorers....No pizza chants...I was dissappointed.
  12. I do...SUCKA, and a beauty game to watch too... Kelly....Finally gets his first. I don't know what I'll do if Fisher ends the season with more points the Spezza...3 more assists tonight!
  13. Anyone else having issues with the stat tracker?
  14. Why? Pretty fun game to watch so far...I think Kovalev has a magnet in his stick and the puck is made of steel.
  15. I've been to two games so far...I'm I still a fan?
  16. If Booche wasn't married to Douglas...he'd definately be married to the Stattracker.
  17. obviously not much to do on the Gentle Island.
  18. Who names a company Minto anyways Ms. Hux
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