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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. I gots lots o centreeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssss.
  2. Goddamit! Not used to steph being logged in so much! That was me!
  3. No...I'm talking about the original deal.
  4. Are you kidding me...My deal for Mason was 1000 times better...
  5. I got Pavs toooooo.... You don't want to miss out on this deal!
  6. He turned it down... I'm offering Spezza/Jokinen/Huselius/Sedin for a top D-man... Any takers?
  7. I'm having issues voting today...Anyone else having problems? The page just keeps timing out
  8. CMON WHITEY! You cannot turn down that offer!
  9. rubberdinghy


    Yeah...that's a little less confusing!
  10. I don't think I've got a single player I started out with.
  11. Whitey...you want a sweet centre? I'll be making an offer shortly.
  12. rubberdinghy


    Oh yeah...and I forgot about Ian Penny, and the four member panel consisting of Chelios, Blake, Rechhi, and another player that are looking into things....That panel must have come up with something, therefore resulting in Hargrove's resignation....
  13. rubberdinghy


    Corruption I tell you.... Ever since Eagleson's embezzling fiasco, to email spying, unheard of contracts the NHLPA has been a joke. They tried to clean things up with Paul Kelly, coming in...unfortunately he was fired, some saying because he was coming close to identifying members who were mis-spending union money. He also, apparently, was getting too close to Bettman, and not working in the best interests of the players. And of course...over the weekend I guess Buzz Hargrove resigned...It's obviously becoming a two sided affair at the NHLPA.... Anyhoo...much like what's happening at our union right now...very two-sided...power vs not so much power... It is hilarious
  14. OMG...LOVED that episode sooo much!!!
  15. Why does Google Inc. need a chef?
  16. Gloria would destroy Peg Bundy.
  17. I might stick Willie Mitchell on my wife's bench...before Dave-O gets there
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