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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. You can get to the Mackenzie King Estate in the Gatineau Hills...Stephie and I were there over the weekend...Those back roads from Chelsea are open year round.
  2. Good work babe!!! Although I still quite don't understand this.... Now that round 2 is complete, the vote counts have been reset for Ideas that didn’t receive enough votes to make the Semi-Finals in the last 2 rounds. Ideas that didn’t make the Semi-Finals in the last 2 rounds are automatically entered into the next qualifying round, so make sure you support your favourite ideas now.
  3. It's looking like everyone's got a ton of forwards but needs a goaler. Whitey...You just beat me for Kovalev!!
  4. None. And that's my biggest issue. On the other hand' date=' I dont want to live in city watching another Kingston Block D situation go down. [/quote'] Wasn't it open to an international design contest at one point?
  5. I gotta do the double k or it won't work.
  6. Thoughts? All this hoopla in the city is driving me crazy right now...Why the hell do the Glebites not want this to happen. It would be great for our city! CFL football back, a home for a farmer's market...a beautiful park.... What is the issue??? Traffic? Give me a break...They've been hosting huuuuuuge events at Lansdowne for over 100 years...traffic has never been an issue...I remember as a kid growing up in the glebe how much fun it was. My old man the entrepenuer selling parking spaces on the front lawn, people milling about, neighbours chatting, BBQ's on game days....The sounds of cars honking for miles because the Riders won the game!!! CMON!!! Suck it up...bring some life back to Lansdowne!
  7. Fucking hell.... I had Huselius riding the bench yesterday because I thought he was still injured, only to find out he played and had 3.65 fantasy points...GAY! Now I have another problem... Start Stoll or Jokinen for Saturday? TOO many centres
  8. No..it's got to be SkankM. It was funny today...someone carved SKANK into one of the windows on my bus...couldn't help think about the ole skank... Plus, someone put a FAIL sticker on my farebox! GOLD! BooCanke...or boucanke
  9. Careful...It happened back on April 6, 1999...
  10. I'm partial to buses running people over... Shall we vote on that too?
  11. I look for attention more than once a WEKK too!
  12. [color:purple]So...we start at the War Museum, down Bank St, to Laurier, down Laurier to city hall. Route Planned.
  13. I have yet to see it either.... Hey BOOCHE! As if you picked up Neiler. You actually listened to me!
  14. Explanation....Tungsten. That is all.
  15. Looking like dinghy is making a comeback...Let's try it on for size.
  16. Should I go back to rubberdinghy, or stay with with Bruno Gerussi? Vote as many times as you like! PS...I don't know how to make a poll in the poll forum.
  17. I'm the same with timouse... Can Google Wave tell me which thing to vote for and when?
  18. Remove engine to fix an oil leak.... That could cost some dolla's. If it's the head gasket, chances are the heads warped.....
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