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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. I gots lots of centres.... Anyone?
  2. You know what fixes that...Doing some shots of candle-wax.
  3. The trade has be re-put-through... Hal should just veto it again... Ottawa needs another dose of Hal by the way...git yer arse up here.... and Big Time...watch your 3 point lead over me evaporate
  4. It depends on what recipe you look at mamamyrna.... According to Wiki, the original recipe dating back 300 years or whatever contained beef and suet.
  5. Maybe...I doubt it though... I think Maguire blew his load 3 times talking about Lecav last night
  6. Dave-O's got it right...Jokinen is good for 50-60 points I'm sure...Sure Parise is huge, but I needed a goalie, and wanted some more depth on D. Christ...I just posted a huge response, and hit the wrong button now it's gone.... Anyways...I'm not retarded....not going to fill my roster with Sens... Also...look at my depth at Centre...planning another trade for another goalie. I'm pretty solid at D, my wingers are a little meh, but I am waiting on Sedin to come back, soon hopefully. It's all about the big picture.
  7. the who team? Am I smoking crack... No Spezza, A-Train, or Leclaire tonight. they seem to be struggling
  8. Anyone else watching this game on TSN2 right now??? Jesus Christ...I feel like I'm watching Rogers 22 broadcast the game. Can they get any closer to the ice? I can barely see what's going on.
  9. Someone's hoarding goalies....that's the problem
  10. boooooooo-yaaaaaaaaaaaa Possibly another blockbuster coming tonight.
  11. Yes...it is delicious...I find alot of people have eaten it but don't realize they have.... Also...not sure I've eaten one with beef in it, but I know it's had suet in it.
  12. My two thoughts: 1. More people die from the regular flu every year than the swine flu. 2. I'll just drink lots of booze. Alcohol always does the trick.
  13. rubberdinghy


    Am I the only person along with a few select others that loves this stuff? I got two jars the other day, made some pies and tarts and now it's all gone. YUM YUM
  14. I'm extremely surprised Mr.T didn't get cast.
  15. Alfie 3 assists? he must be killing in the pool.
  16. I was a little angry...someone told me to relax...
  17. What's the Black Thorn... Murray St. is wicked awesome. Can never go wrong with el cheapo Mexicano at Pancho Villa on Elgin
  18. Montreal is the new Ottawa. Goaler controversy anyone?
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