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Everything posted by rubberdinghy

  1. isn't this where someone jumps in with a, "Get a room, Fanboys."
  2. DAMMIT...AD FIX YOUR POST. IT'S THE 24TH OF OCT. sorry to yell
  3. I wonder if anyone in the dressing room told Carks to go after Downie...It's been a couple of years, but no one has really gotten him back for Mcammond.
  4. WOWOWOWOWOWOOW! 7-1 Michalek 3 points Ruutu 3 points Alfie 3 points! What a hockey game!
  5. Congrats!!! You got to wait a while to feed her that BBQ'ed Kosher Sausage deliciousness though!
  6. Hey SolarGarlic... I counter offered your trade!
  7. I'll take Fisher....Lecavelier, and a goalie for Backstrom and Tyler Kennedy.
  8. I'm sure you made some stupid comments when he coached the Sens
  9. Booche and Jacques sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G
  10. Great Game. Elliot was fucking unbelievable! If he can play like that everytime he's called upon, he's a back-up we can't complain about. Alfie-Fisher-Kovalev, all I can say is WOW. Hopefully Clouston will keep them together a while to let them click. Fun as hell to watch. Clouston kept changing the lines around late in the second and into the third. At the rate Fish is going he's going to have a career year. (knocks on wood.) They still need that one guy on defence. Schubs look solid playing D for Atlanta. He creamed Kovalev at one point. I miss him already.
  11. I'll be at the game tonight. Make sure you light me up in the crowd when I give Schubs a standing O!
  12. Funny guy...I already had a job. Basically...we got nothing, except a guarantee of 7 1/2 hours a day...The city wanted to cut us at 6 hours. We also got a spread of 12 hours for splits. The city wanted 14. It's hard to explain, but it's a win. We got 8.25 % raise over 3 years, which is a little better than was originally offered. What we lost. Scheduling. Basically, for me, what this means is I'll probably, after 6 years, end up working weekends again. I'll most likely be stuck working different shifts everyday, with a Tuesday off here, and a Thursday off there. but we'll see. In the end...we should have taken the last deal before we went on strike.
  13. Cornellier is apparently anti-strike now....
  14. WE GOT FUCKED...Just so everyone knows. Screwed, blued and tattooed.
  15. View Larger Map Found the dude with the duct tape sandals!
  16. Ouch...he's just warming up, I'm sure.
  17. Who cares about Heatley... Kovalev has beautiful hands though....He needs a scorer to play with..... Unless he can turn Fisher into one.
  18. BOOO-YA! Strange game. Still don't see much chemistry between anyone. Carkner. Jesus. Hope he can play all season like that.
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