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Everything posted by timouse

  1. there was a dr who episode this past season where they visited an alternate earth. everyone had this device on one of their ears that turned out to be some insidious alien mind control device. willy, i salute you for realizing that these headsets look silly in public and are absolutely a good idea for in car. you were on about a new car recently, lots of them now come bluetooth hands free enabled. you can talk to your rearview mirror and hear through your stereo.
  2. seems to be 25 per page, so you are 150 + however many are above you on your page. love the ears
  3. indeed. i got sucked in the same week and i'm way back at #54. of course dave was unemployed for a while after moving to ottawa, while i have to fit jambands in to a hectic schedule involving 2 jobs and several hours of cartoons a night.
  4. Theme: These are my roots (Songs about a place you have called home. Feel free to interpret that as broadly as you like). 1. Roy Hurd - Adirondack Blue 2. Barenaked Ladies - Lovers In A Dangerous Time (the tail end of the video was done at/near the corner of McCown & Eglinton, walking distance to my childhood home) 3. B.A. Johnston - Jesus is from Steeltown 4. Frontier Index - If It Don't Work Out (THESE ARE MY BOYS!!) 5. ABBA - Waterloo (very broad interpretation) 6. Bob Dylan - Highlands (Haliburton for 10 yrs) 7. The Prince Brothers - Lake Of Bays 8. Bourbon Tabernacle Choir - Solitude Mama (reference to North Toronto ... "old neighbourhood") 9. Stephen Fearing - The Longest Road 10. 11. 12.
  5. happy birthday to the classiest remaining member of my favourite band ever. (if only your colleagues could take the same approach). may you and your liver have many years of happiness together. come to canada!
  6. this has turned in to an excellent read indeed. i went from being distrustful of e to trying it and really liking it, after many pleasant experiences and some not so pleasant ones, i think i'm out. if you can grow it, it's ok. if you need a lab and hard to obtain chemicals to produce it, that's enough to make me think twice. as far as pot being decriminalized and/or legalized,
  7. Student Tries to Capture the Power of Sewage By Lori Aratani By Lori Aratani The Washington Post WASHINGTON It started with the mud. Icky, sludgy, smelly mud from the depths of the Potomac. At age 13, Sikandar Porter-Gill became fascinated with alternative fuel sources and wanted to see whether he could harness the bacteria in mud from the river to generate power. His "mud battery" was a success. Now, two years later, Sikandar has moved on to bigger things: experimenting with ways to turn sewage into power. Yes, that's right, sewage. Sikandar, 15, recently presented the findings of two years of experimentation to officials with the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission's Seneca wastewater treatment plant in Germantown, Md. - people who are always looking for ways to do smarter things with sewage. Dressed in dark slacks, a blue shirt and blue-checked tie, Sikandar nervously fired up his PowerPoint presentation. "My experiment is called 'Improvement of a Single-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell Utilizing a Novel Concept of a Hydrophobic Coating at the Cathode and the Incorporation of Graphite Granules at the Anode Electrode,' " he said earnestly. FUEL CELL Translation? Sikandar, a sophomore at Gaithersburg High School, has spent the past two years trying to develop a cheaper, more efficient microbial fuel cell. The cell is used by scientists to harness the chemical reaction that occurs when bacteria digest the organic matter in sewage. That process produces small electrical charges, which are captured for power. "I wanted to find a cost-effective way to produce (microbial fuel cells) and then have them make more power," Sikandar said. The cells and sewage are a perfect combination, because they both are "harnessing a process that's already going on in nature." As part of that effort, Sikandar, whose parents are molecular biologists, experimented with membranes and coatings that are built into the microbial fuel cell. He thinks his biggest breakthrough this time is using graphite granules, which act as the electrode in the single-chamber microbial fuel cell. GREAT START As a freshman, he had built a two-chamber microbial fuel cell but found that he could generate 19 percent more power from the single-chamber setup, despite using less sewage. "He just keeps progressing," said his mother, Patricia Porter-Gill, who remembers donning rubber boots to dig mud out of the Potomac for the first experiment. Officials with the sanitary commission were impressed. "It's a great experiment that has a lot of potential," said Sam Amad, manager of the Germantown treatment center. The idea of using sewage to generate electricity has been around since the early 1900s, but the science has only taken off in recent years. The breakthrough came when scientists discovered that it is possible to generate electricity without having to use chemicals in the process. CONSULTANT In researching his project, Sikandar consulted with Bruce Logan, professor of environmental engineering at Pennsylvania State University, a leader in the field of microbial fuel cell research. Work on microbial fuel cells is also being done at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. As Sikandar concluded his presentation, members of the audience asked to see models of his work, which he keeps in a shoebox with a green lid. Employees gathered around him, asking about coatings and the merits of different methods of filling the fuel cell with wastewater. "At first, I didn't quite understand what he was doing," said Jorge Tello, a senior plant operator. "But it looks very promising. We're very impressed." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. the people who make this shit are criminals who don't care about you or your health. they want to make money. and again in english. the people who make this shit are criminals who don't care about you or your health. they want to make money. go cops, i say.
  9. 225 million dollars / 500,000 acres = $450 an acre i'd like to know more before i start bitching about steve. ummm...i know all those words, just never seem them in that order before.
  10. if this helps for the sites that won't let you copy, you can screen print to pdf using a free pdf writer from http://www.primopdf.com
  11. Canada USA England France Belgium Netherlands Morocco Spain Luxembourg Thailand Germany Malaysia Saudi Arabia
  12. timouse

    Levon Helm Sues

    nice juxtaposition' date=' hehe really though, how is a broke guy recovering from throat cancer going to mount a tour where people would expect him to sing? is he still doing the jamborees at his place in woodstock? i heard a rumour that he upped the price to $200 / head. [/quote'] :blush: i completely missed the juxtaposition, AD. nice spotting. fwiw, levon has not only beat throat cancer, but is singing a lot and well, and has a rotating cast of musicians in his orbit that also sing. if he is asking $200 a head for shows at his barn and getting it, then he has seed $ for a tour. maybe at this point he doesn't need to tour.
  13. timouse

    Levon Helm Sues

    that's always been my impression of the whole thing, and i had a wtf? moment when i heard the commercial in question. levon has been struggling considerabluy in the last several years...throat cancer (which he beat), imminent foreclosure of his place in woodstock, but he's surviving. *cough* tour!!!! *cough*
  14. timouse


    all right! congratulations!!!
  15. "Those inclined to worry have the widest selection of ever in history." -mark twain
  16. Theme: Songs about drugs or dealing with drug habits! 1. Eric Clapton - Cocaine 2. DMB - Rhyme and Reason 3. Amy Winehouse - Rehab 4. John Lennon - Cold Turkey 5. Johnny Cash - Cocaine Blues 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  17. Sixteen Cities named Springfield competing to host the premiere of the Simpsons Movie. The cartoon series is based in its own fictional town of Springfield - creator Matt Groening has said he chose it because it is a common US city name. Film company 20th Century Fox will pick a winning short film submitted by the real-life cities about community life. The fictional Springfield boasts several prisons and a nuclear plant. The series is now in its 18th year. "There's plenty of serious issues to talk about, but this is something that we might as well try to have a little fun with," the mayor of Springfield, Oregon, Sid Leiken, told local newspaper the Register-Guard. Worldwide success The Simpsons revolves around the antics of bald, beer-guzzling family man Homer and his spiky-haired son Bart. It is the longest-running prime-time entertainment series on television in the US and a worldwide hit. There has long been speculation about whether it would be turned into a film. Groening has said that the animated hit would keep going as long as he and his colleagues could keep generating fresh ideas. "That's what you're looking for in television - surprise," he added.
  18. who are these ratdogs? are they some sort of nuclear mutants?
  19. Theme: Songs with the name Hank Williams in the title (first or full name) 1. Johnny Cash - The Night Hank Williams Came to Town 2. Neil Young - From Hank to Hendrix 3. Kris Kristopherson - If You Don't Like Hank Williams 4. Austin Lounge Lizards - The Car Hank Died In 5. Leonard Cohen - Tower of Song 6. Waylon Jennings - Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way? 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
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