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Everything posted by timouse

  1. shouldn't that have been in purple?
  2. well i heard about that fella you been dancin' with all over the neighbourhood....
  3. best post of the thread. gotta love morning math
  4. timouse

    East Coastin'

    wow deeps! i hope you guys have an amazing time...congratulations!!!
  5. with apologies to the late great Ray Charles, i'm in.
  6. 6:25 used to it, at least in the same way that you can get used to being hit over the head. i look back fondly to my last job where i didn't need the alarm clock and would wake up on my own around 8.
  7. mine will be two months old in a week. my ears have never been happier.
  8. couldn't have said it better. the diesel dog guys are amazing to work with. every time i've been part of an opening act for them, they've been helpful and accommodating. cheers guys! and cheers to gator and schwa and mama pink for starting the ball rolling. what a blast!
  9. post dated happy birthday myrna!
  10. i think AD nailed the best ones...and just thinking about "elvis...get over it!" makes me chuckle. how about ivana bath ivana tinkle guy incognito homer erotic homer sexual maya buttreeks that's all i can come up with at the moment. you really need to call iliana
  11. aaah, the irony. Turner's blog has his statement video stating that he won't make a decision until he has "spoken to his constituents" in a pair of town hall meetings this weekend. fwiw, i am a resident of halton, this is this first i've heard of said town hall meetings. it would not be a very good move in light of the article referenced in sugarmegs' post above...but who knows. the electorate has a short memory.
  12. that was a great article, luke. can't please everyone all the time i guess...it did seem like you were just warming up when the article ended..."it takes me 300 words just to clear my throat." brilliant. the only thing that i would even think of taking umbrage with is a line in a paragraph that i otherwise completely agree with... although having said that, it does help to set up your point about JSB and mr lauzon being largely ignored by the "music press." can't wait for the next one.
  13. please PM me if you are interested. please don't PM me if you have been kicked off of oink once already. been there done that.
  14. compiled by a guy named Jaded Bitterman. that's brilliant. need a new username anyone?
  15. from the mission statement of The Project for a New American Century (www.pnac.org): (published in 1997 incidentally) "DEVELOP AND DEPLOY GLOBAL MISSILE DEFENSES to defend the American homeland and American allies, and to provide a secure basis for U.S. power projection around the world. CONTROL THE NEW INTERNATIONAL COMMONS OF SPACE AND CYBERSPACE and pave the way for the creation of a new military service – U.S. Space Forces – with the mission of space control.
  16. i heard that jim henson fashioned muppets after spencer. i remember him playing with pat temple...what a talented dude he is. glad to hear that sarah harmer has him in her band.
  17. eeeh. at least ampersands have rounded edges. woulld have been way worse to tell someone to shove a number sign.
  18. happy birthday!! mmmm...baileys and coffee....
  19. so what do you guys think of compact flourescent lights? i'm liking them, i find them way less evil and bright, and hardly make noise at all. there is a disturbing delay before they energize though. can't say i like that.
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