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Everything posted by timouse

  1. Sarahbelle posted this in the politics forum, after reading it i wanted to expose it to a bigger audience. google "grassy narrows" and see for yourself.
  2. reading this makes me embarrased to be canadian. have a look at this doozy from the CBC archives. how many times can one group of people be screwed around by industry and government?
  3. will the circle be unbroken. as i got in to my car to follow my grandfatre's hearse to the cemetery, what should the random cd player pick but that tune (neville brothers version). every time i've heard it since i get a bit misty...fare thee well, dzaidzi.
  4. seconded...although "wave" never really got played in. samba could be cgood, but often, well, wasn't
  5. timouse

    oink invite

    i'm oot. but qqc has some, PM him for details.
  6. timouse

    oink invite

    now now qqc, you'll never get rid of them with that sort of an attitude
  7. timouse

    oink invite

    so long as you've never been booted off and promise to use it (beats, i'm looking your way)
  8. very happy belated birthday to a namesake. love your avatar!
  9. niffermouse. and sunrises. and music. and friends.
  10. there's a new astroturf that's being put down in parks by the zillions of acres. it's plastic with rubber granules that *gasp!* have been found to leach contaminants. "However, the new artificial grass raises health concerns. In particular, the base of A-Turf and similar brands includes recycled rubber pellets that could contain harmful chemicals. What's more, we have observed that on many New York City fields, the rubber pellets are also present on the surface. When one of us (William Crain) was picking up some pellets by hand, a boy told him that after playing in the park, he finds the pellets in his shoes at home at night. Because the rubber pellets are much more accessible to children and athletes than we had supposed, we decided to analyze a sample for two possible sets of toxicants -- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and toxic metals." yuck.
  11. last night of the world - bruce cockburn he played it at harbourfront 1999>2000. i was there with the scullies, and had just started dating niffermouse. every time i hear it i think about all of those people and that moment. dammit! now i'm choked up even thinking about it thank jeebus for music!
  12. mercer report for sure. the newsroom was brilliant. trailer park boys goies without saying.
  13. thank you chameleon for a brand new signature. harper makes me nervous. i looked up "the council for national policy," the people to whom harper made my new favourite ironic disparaging remarks about the PC party. eeeh...their member list is not made public, but is rumoured to include everyone other than McBain and Count Chocula and the national citizens' coalition isn't much better...they claim to be "...Canada’s largest non-partisan organization that stands for the defence and promotion of free enterprise, free speech and government that is accountable to its taxpayers." i repeat my eeeeh.
  14. hey beats, check your mail, you have an oink invite that's been waiting for you. i too hope you're digging the west coast.
  15. steely dan - alive in america subtle rework of "reelin' in the years." very jazzy 9ths or something going on here, nice twist.
  16. the square root of a negative zombie is imaginary. otherwise. totally real. in fact, a group of zombies were in line ahead of me at lunch. cleaned the deli out of brains they did.
  17. wow, ricky...sorry to hear about your father in law. that's rough. cheers to you for taking positive action. sounds like there's a need for a bunch of bands to get together and play their hearts out any volunteers?
  18. it's a matrix in which food can be suspended.
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