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Posts posted by Lazlo

  1. The states dont let thousands of Canadians in their country cause of stuff as simple as Marijuana possession, why should we let this American Criminal in our country?

    I can't cross the border because of a fuckin' DUI. Watch out, I might assassinate the President or smuggle 30 kilos of coke back to Canada.

  2. If you can honestly - and, I mean in the depths of your soul honestly - say that after you burn one you're not impaired...

    You need better weed.

    I have a really hard time believing that anybody's experiences with the weedo are THAT much different from mine that they can HONESTLY claim otherwise.

    Right here dink. And I smoke the best money or a fair trade can buy.

  3. I can't remember the last time I did anything where I wasn't high. Operate a vehicle, work, visit the grandparents or otherwise. I am an angry, violent, intolerant person by nature and pot saves the world from me. I haven't cared about anything for 15 years and I feel better for it.

  4. It's more than likely your timing belt, don't force it to the next cycle because you'll fuck the transmission if it's not already. If you can get that thing that swishes around in your washer out you may be able to drain it depending on the make and model.

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