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Everything posted by larry_llama

  1. Sweet. It's like the drug equivalent of free wifi downtown. Everyone gets their fix for nuthin'
  2. I feel the same way about bicycles, especially when it's the victim's primary form of transportation. If you ride for an hour to get somewhere and your bike gets stolen that's a hell of a long walk home.
  3. Wow this guy is angry. The real problem is that it's easier to download just about anything than it is to get it legitimately. They need to fix that first. Hell, it takes me longer to go to the movie store, rent a dvd, watch the FBI warning, and navigate to the actual movie on the DVD than it does to torrent a divx version.
  4. nope, not just you... via boingboing:
  5. Didn't we cover this already? http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/240231/tp/0/all/1/
  6. Peepshow is awesome. My buddy saw one episode when he was overseas, and took mental note of the name -- now we are hooked. Mark is borderline unwatchable sometimes though. Like watching Curb.... you just want to shout NO! DON'T DO THAT! The deal is, all the camera angles are from someone's eyes -- either a main character or a passer-by. When the camera is "in" one of the main guys' eyes, you can sometimes hear their thoughts. Very well done...
  7. Glad it worked out! Nothing's better than a straight flac->AudioCD burn :-p
  8. You need to install the flac nero plugin. You probably installed the FLAC package before installing Nero. Now that you have Nero installed, run the FLAC installer again and it should detect and install the Nero Plugin. If not, try gettig it manually here: http://www.bitburners.com/Nero_Audio_Plugins_by_MauSau/
  9. that's a serious improvement too little too late, but still a worthwhile improvement. edit: you mean for a half a year right? Like since last fall or so?
  10. oh man..when he tries to get up off the kitchen floor..golden
  11. ipods suck unless they do gapless playback now in which case they just suck less than before
  12. With a line in you can plug anything at all into it. Including a high end AM radio if you like ;-)
  13. Future shop has a car deck with front aux-in for $99 in today's flyer. At the price of an itrip (what are they, $30? $40?) I'd just bite the bullet and upgrade your deck... especially if you have a car with a din (or close to it) sized opening.
  14. I didn't mean for keeps... just for dogsitting. And yes... she is a walker/animal socializer at the hamilton one (nebo rd). I don't know if you've been up there but it's quite a facility!
  15. I can't make it tonight after all.. not for $15 on a weeknight leading into what's looking like it's going to be an expensive long weekend :-) Put us down for 2 for Saturday and I'll try to rally more troops as well. The 10:30 deadline is actually great -- you know what our record is like for arrival time. The more incentive to get moving the better.
  16. dont know about the best but the lips+tongue is probably the most recognized band logo ever
  17. dude you didn't come anywhere near "suck" last time I jammed with you. In fact I think you shamed the rest of us at times. And that was over a year ago so you must be fucking stellar now. Good work!
  18. at least the 2 of us. will tell you more as time comes. actually i will probably see you tonight...
  19. If you seriously need a dogsitter, my girlfriend works at the SPCA and she is absolutely in love with all things pug. I bet she'd take care of them for you!
  20. rev, I think we are going to come to this show and forgo ctmf this time around since every single person I know has backed out except 3 of us.
  21. Yes. I was taken to see it in the theatre by my girlfriend (I suspect she has a bit of a crush on Mr. Gosling). Turns out it was really a great film. Consider your opinion seconded!
  22. Oops I guess I am half blind. Tks for details. Added: http://hcal.ca/eventdetails.html?id=197
  23. Added! http://hcal.ca/eventdetails.html?id=196
  24. It's never going to sound as good as a direct connection. Use as a last resort!
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