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Everything posted by larry_llama

  1. Wait a sec this is ctmf weekend... I need to kick off summer preferably with a good camping/music combo... WHAT TO DO!?
  2. But the problem is that it appears (based on the tone of the boycott as well as the posts I've see of people promoting it) that most participants were doing it because they wanted to be able to drive further for cheaper. That's not really the right reason, is it?
  3. Funny, I started collecting rainwater just last night. Filled half a barrel from that one storm this morning!
  4. Then you already understand what I am saying. So why don't you promote this much much better solution instead of trying to promote a futile boycott? You are living proof that it can be done. You should be writing about how you did it and how others can too! I would love to read about your experiences...
  5. MOBE, lowering prices at the pump is not the solution -- reducing dependence is. I don't mean my comments to be negative. What I mean to do is promote the POSITIVE idea of reducing our usage of gasoline (and oil in general) as a permanent and viable solution to the problem. If the prices are lowered (either by the oil companies or through tax reduction), the short term comfort of cheap gas will give way very quickly to the long term discomfort of a very bad combination: increased dependence on the resource and increased depletion rate of the resource at the same time. Can you explain to me how not buying gas on one day is equivalent to being part of the solution? Assuming that the "boycott" actually DOES reduce prices (to, say, 80 cents per litre), can you explain how that price reduction solves the global 'war for oil'? I just don't understand what problem this boycott is supposed to solve, and how it is supposed to solve it. I'm also curious to read about the successful gas strike. If you can dig up an article about it, then maybe modelling future strikes on the successful one would be a good approach. From everything I've read, "don't buy gas" days have simply not worked. You accuse me of forming opinions based on "feelings", however I have actually presented at least one source that supports my opinion. Here is another: http://www.breakthechain.org/exclusives/gasout.html And searching google for relevant terms results only in pages which either call for a boycott (with no data to back them up), or pages that denounce the boycott as useless (with backup data): http://www.google.ca/search?q=successful+gas+boycott http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=don%27t+buy+gas&btnG=Search&meta= etc... I'm not trying to be negative. I'm trying to point out that there is a better way to solve all of these problems -- and it works on an individual AND a global level. It works for one person immediately, and if everyone does it, the benefits are multiplied: use less gas. At any rate, the only gas I'll be buying today is food to power my legs to get me home from work on my bike. So I guess I'm going to be part of the boycott after all...
  6. No. The problem is that this "protest" is just pointless as long as everyone still consumes the same amount of gas. I think snopes says it best: "By definition, a boycott involves the doing without of something, with the renunciation of the boycotted product held up as tangible proof to those who supply the commodity that consumers are prepared to do without it unless changes are made. What the "gas out" calls for isn't consumers' swearing off using or buying gasoline, even for a short time, but simply shifting their purchases by a couple of days at most. Because the "gas out" doesn't call on consumers to make a sacrifice by actually giving up something, the threat it poses is a hollow one. . . . An effective protest would involve something like organizing people to forswear the use of their cars on specified days, an act that could effectively demonstrate the reality of the threat that if gasoline prices stayed high, American consumers were prepared to move to carpooling and public transportation for the long term. . . . An event like a "gas out" can sometimes do some good by calling attention to a cause and sending a message. In this case, though, the only message being sent is: "We consumers are so desperate for gasoline that we can't even do without it for a few days to demonstrate our dissatisfaction with its cost." What supplier is going to respond to a message like that by lowering its prices? Those who really want to send a "message" to oil suppliers should try not buying any gasoline for several months in a row. "
  7. An interesting read: http://www.snopes.com/politics/gasoline/nogas.asp
  8. Does anyone know if shady grove still has passes? I guess I could call but....so lazy
  9. I have a better idea: sell you car, bike to work, and don't buy gas EVER. Whatever doesn't get purchased Tuesday will get purchased Wednesday instead as long as everyone's driving habits stay the same. We (on a personal level) will NEVER be able to control gas prices. The people who have the power to do so are making such huge amounts of money that they are completely blinded by dollar signs. The answer isn't to fight for lower gas prices, it's to insulate yourself form rising prices by using less gas EVERY DAY.
  10. dude, you don't need to provide an email to register. just pick a name and you can use it right away. the problem with completely anonymous postings is spambots, then you need a stupid captcha which in my opinion is worse than an instant registration process cause you have to type random characters in EVERY time you want to post. just my 2 cents... i'm open to changing it if thats what the people want though :-) i also just added the venue database so you can actually see all the venue details -- including upcoming shows for that venue alone -- by clicking on the name of the club. i will fix up that doucet show...
  11. I added commenting -- so for now you can add comments to a listing if there are any updates or changes, then I can make the changes manually. I will definitely add "edit" functionality soon. Comments seem more fun though so I implemented those first. Feel free to talk up any shows in the comments section. For example I'm sure this listing is not quite right: http://hcal.ca/eventdetails.html?id=93 ... rev?
  12. do you know how much it is/approx showtimes?
  13. haha hilarious. i added one in the yukon for them
  14. thanks! I'm thinking of seeing mayor mcca tonight...
  15. Update -- I added a bunch of listings for this weekend, and am in the (slightly painful but hopfully worth it) process of adding as much info as I can find about all the local venues. It's amazing how many of them have no webpages!
  16. larry_llama


    Ohhh.... I was using the calendar button at the top. I see the listings under the forum list now... I usually just come straight to the Cavern via bookmark ;-) Getting to the listings is not totally intuitive though!
  17. larry_llama


    Is it just me? I don't see any events on the calendar under "public events" or under "hamilton". Should "public events" show me all the events in every location?
  18. is it regarding izzy's? i want CTMF to move there again
  19. Europeans drive less and walk more. It doesn't take much walking to make space for baguettes, especially if you walk every single day -- further than house-to-car-to-desk-to-car-to-house-to-(couch-to-fridge)^10-to-bed ps: those pictures are hilarious
  20. Port Mansion is in Port Dalhousie (St. Catharines), not Pt Colbourne (and I'm hoping to go)... thanks for the heads-up!
  21. thanks for the kind words. I hope to implement a comments feature soon so that people can post notes about shows and such and entice others to attend them :-)
  22. Problem is viewmag only updates weekly on Thursdays which doesn't help too much in terms of planning ahead (it's not always a concern but it's nice to know -- sometimes on Wednesdays I'm jonesin' for the weekend and if I go to view's listings I only have one evening's worth of good times to get excited about). Plus clicking to get to a band's homepage/myspace is kinda convenient. No offence to the view but their webpage is kinda stuck in 1999 -- which I guess is cool for Prince fans and all but... Anyway I'm hoping people use it but I'm not gonna be offended if they don't!
  23. Some of you may have seen this over at stillepost, but in case not... I recently set up http://www.hcal.ca/ to (hopefully) fill the void in reporting local shows, events etc. The idea is that anyone can post an event, so if enough people start to use it it should become the best central spot for getting such info. I also tried to give it some extra features which I thought would be kinda fun: - Non-music events You can post any type of event, and when you look at the calendar you can choose which type of event you want to see. So you are welcome to post anything from concerts to community cleanups, art shows, etc... - Personal Calendar This is something I think could be really useful. If you see an event that interests you, you can click to add it to your personal calendar, and then you can see at-a-glance the upcoming shows that YOU want to go to. Could be good for anyone like me who has a problem with memory. You don't even have to register with an email in order to use this feature. - Database of performers/venues As events get added, the database of locations, people, groups etc grows. Eventually it will be searchable and editable as well. Anyway, the motivation behind this is that it always seems so hard to find out what is going on and where... there is no central place that has all shows. Hopefully everyone can help to turn this into a central events database. On that note I'm really hoping that venue managers, bookers and local band members sign up and post whatever they can (to make sure the listings are as accurate as possible). But anyone can post, so even if you just know of a show that you are going to go see, please post it there if it's not already. I put a bunch of upcoming shows on there to get it started but I'm not going to be able to do all of it myself! If people start to actually use it, I will implement more features and such... so please send suggestions and comments along if you have any.
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