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Everything posted by Hartamophone

  1. Damn it, MarcO, you're a tough dude to keep up with around here.
  2. We all know that Pablo Sanchez is going to win, since everyone around here plays such favourites.
  3. It's not your job to thank them, but therefore it might not be your job to call them out on a perceived bias, either. With that said and as someone who has done promoting in the past, I can certainly see your frustration. There's only so much publicity that gets thrown towards this particular "scene," and it can be frustrating when you see what you view as an imbalance in how that tiny piece of the pie is divied up. Funny, though, if this was happening on the East Coast and Craig Mercer (solo) was opening up for an Ontario band, you can bet that the opener would be getting "more" publicity in that case as well.
  4. This is freakin' awesome: I know there's a separate YouTube Forum, but since it's not a music vid, I figured it would go well here. And by "since it's not a music vid," I clearly meant "since I'm trying to boost my chances in this here contest."
  5. I'm glad to see the contest was a little late today. When I left the house this A.M. it still wasn't up, and I figured once I got home it would be long gone. Damn those time zones!
  6. Funnily enough, this dude (who always had a way of getting primo seats at sporting events to hold up his John 3:16 sign on camera) turned out to be rather unstable and had to be institutionalized. True strory.
  7. A good friend of mine saw them last weekend in Victoria (I had to miss it since I was out of town). He said they played a mix of the two albums, and didn't do either one in its entirety.
  8. Me neither. If only we could guarantee that much snow in the Adirondacks in March, we'd be golden!
  9. Looks like a tasty setlist - can't wait to lay ears on it. What's the story with the Rhodes?
  10. [color:purple]You're right, there are many other, way bigger names on the Hasidic reggae circuit.
  11. By many accounts this was a stellar, high-energy show. Looking forward to giving 'er a listen. 10/11/06 Electric Factory Set One: Gotta Jibboo Goobye Head Push On 'Til The Day^ Night Speaks To A Woman Shine Spin Set Two: What's Done Heavy Things Mud City Come As Melody Plasma 46 Days* > (amazing) Twist* (amazing, about 20 mins) Encore**: Bass Duel* (starts out with just mike and the new guys jamming, very very good stuff. trey watching and beaming from side-stage). Then they hit a nice groove after about 5 minutes of jamming Trey comes out and sits on the Keys and the drummer sits down and they jam for a few minutes, then Mike gets off his little wierd dinky-bass (somebody please explain or throw a picture up) and Gordo gets on the Lanquedoc!!! and they rip it for 5 more minutes with Trey on Keys, Mike on Guitar and the other dudes on bass and drums. Sick Sick Sick. > First Tube* (Struggled miserably to get the timing right on this one, but pulled it together at the very end and ended the show with massive energy. Goodtimes). Show got over about 12:45am. ^After the song trey says something along the lines of: 'I love Philadelphia, its my favorite City...especially after the Flyers win' *full electric, with Mike Gordon on bass. The ladies left for most of the Mike section. **Right before encore a big "Lets go Flyers" chant erupts with trey 'playing' along
  12. Ten points to whomever can spot the proof that nobody at Fox News took junior high English. (Hint: 1:37).
  13. WOOT WOOT! This went out around Lake Placid in a newsletter circulated by the folks who run the Olympic venues a few months ago. Last year was such a freakin' blast, and I'm definitely not saying that just because it goes down in my adopted hometown. The venue size and layout are perfect for the event, and the outdoor show was a blast. This is definitely something I'll have to make a trip back East for. Ottawa folks - it's only three hours away and is entirely on a weekend. NO EXCUSES!
  14. That second night looks wicked good, indeed. Adam Terrell absolutely shreds on the axe, and would sound great with moe. imo. Add to that the great energy of a room like Higher Ground and some heady Page, and you have what looks to have been a killer show. Can't wait to hear this one.
  15. Definitely not something to be missed. Hip Hop is a true art to J5, and they treat it that way. One of the tighter shows you'll see - but not in the "over-rehearsed" sense at all.
  16. Thanks, questcequest?. You are the man of the hour in Victoria.
  17. These guys mixed Jay-Z's entire Black Album with Dead tunes, and it came out pretty well, for the most part. There was a thread on here about this a long time ago, and all of the tunes were available for download on the Spin Junkie's website at one point.
  18. Thanks for the links, guys. I definitely wouldn't have figured that Sirius would be streamable for free.
  19. Hartamophone


    [color:purple]But, Tom Cruise said there's no such thing as depression. Definitely have to send good vibes T.O.'s way. I'm not a fan by any stretch, but it's going to be rough for him to have had something so private get turned into a field day for the sports media.
  20. Shannon Hoon of Blind Melon would have been 39 today (Tuesday). Gone too soon.
  21. cough cough**CanadianTour**cough cough ('Cause, you know, it's really freakin' easy for a band to pick up and travel across the country just like that, isn't it?)
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