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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. I'll take the Alfie assist. Point Per Game is still pretty good, but he'd do alot better if a couple of those shots hit the twine, or atleast the goalie once in a while. Text book playoff hockey. All their guns go hobbling off the ice... Roberts has the look of fear on his face... and Patrick Eaves had maybe the single greatest shift I've ever seen... he took three hits... one from LaRaque, stood the whole time, and then finished off with a couple of his own.
  2. This series is going to come down to one single stat. If Alfie can score, Sens win... if not, it's done. They're practically daring Alfie to score. I hope he can come through.
  3. Some people say, "someone should check out the 'secret'"!
  4. Fat Freddy's Drop from New Zealand... great upbeat tune! Enjoy. http://www.sendspace.com/file/1l4pq4
  5. I can see as one of the greediest moves in recording music history was the increase of price of CD's over Casette's, even though they were cheaper to produce. ITunes would do well to offer low priced access to their collection, and dole out their revenunes based on what was downloaded. Start off with a low price... like $0.10 a song, and get everyone getting their music that way, then increase the price slowly to increase their market share without intimidating 80% of their potential customers. Sure, make money on tours... but in the current climate, it's costing more and more to tour, and bands are making less and less. The margins are slim, if not costing the band to work. It's not sustainable to be a band, and something has to change... ticket prices/attendance/merchandise revenue... those are the only things bands make money on. And the money which flies out of your pocket on tour leaves Slim Pickins' for the vast majority... Not sour grapes... it's just ridiculously challenging to a) exist as a Canadian band (especially full time earning an income), and Getting American Bands to come to Canada. Ultimately the loser is the music fan...
  6. BASTARDIZE THE THREAD!!! Semantics my girl.
  7. I think it sent a message to Towers that he's got to be real good to win. And in this particular case, he can get the loss, and not feel too bad about the way he pitched... his team let him down, and it was the 'B' team. He'll do that much better when he gets the 'A' team hitting and fielding for him, and he's not coming off 10 days rest for his first start of the year. Towers could still suck... but he did great in Spring Training, and it would be great to have some punch for our 5th starter, so I'm hoping for the best.
  8. I don't care. The playoffs aren't for rationality... they're for running everything that gets in your way. I'm just getting ready. And I'm glad I have somthing to get ready for.
  9. Timing is everything... You want to agitate... I've got Luke type resove right now... let's get it on. I bet the Habs don't make the playoffs... any takers?
  10. I have 15-1 Vegas odds that I got at the start of the year. I don't bet with knee jerk, "I want to be interested in the playoffs this year, so I'm going to fuck with Sens fans" on the day the playoffs start. The time for supporting your team with money was in October. How much did you lose BTW Booche? Your a sissy for being the 3rd man in. Why don't you get really into Football or something... it's going to be a while until the Habitant have something to actaully cheer about. Leave your kurmudgens somewhere else.
  11. I'm wary of any Leaf fan trying to stir up shit in the Sens Thread, while they should be polishing up their clubs. I have family who's interest in sports is solely on wagering. My interest is only on having my team win the championship... money bets only bastardizes the whole process in my opinion. This thread is for fans of the team, not capitalists.
  12. Even though I can't stand you in the Sports Forum right now, this is great news, and I thank you for sharing!
  13. If you're a Leafs fan, you would hope he ends up as bad as McCabe. In buisness we call that a lose-lose. In reality, we call that a stupid comment. Phillips and McCabe in the same breath? Fugg off you hoser.
  14. Can it Kev. Just cause your team(s) didn't make the playoffs, doesn't give you the right to take over the Sens Forum.
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