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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. This place is sooooooooooo High School!
  2. Is there anything better than a sense of humor? Well played.
  3. It takes a big person to apologize. You don't see that enough around here if you consder all the conflicts that happen! It's funny. I got involved with the business of music because music was so useful for me during a real tough time in my life. Now the Music business is a grind, and sometimes I'm left wondering where to turn now that music is a 'problem' and not a 'solution'. It is not like that all the time in my mind, but it creeps, and sometimes I prefer to sit in silence rather than to hear "Dark Side of the Moon" one more time. Still, it's a fantastic struggle, and WE all have a ways to go... one day our society will be a little more 'artist friendly', and we can get these musicians out of their 9-5, and then we'll get that exponential rise in quality I think we all would enjoy... Until then, songs are the food of the ears... keep em coming! Besides it's the journey, not the destination, and the struggle can make for great fodder.
  4. throwinchumwatchthesharksfeed.ca
  5. Yeah, but can you hear the sound of the puck bunnies "enjoying" themselves at bells corner? Youth has it's privilidges. This time will be differet... Balhfazaar said so in a musical dream to me last night. When the playoffs begin, you will see a team that played possum down the stretch only to release a rain of hell fire on the ice. It's going to be fun seeing Dany Heatley playing 'to kill'... I say this cause our hits are way down from the start of the season... we are playing coy, because we know of the higher purpose... more so than anyother time in the current gen sens history. No Hasek to get in our head, Emery to crack theirs open... No Hossa to take a hit in the first period and give up, Heatley, a good Canadian kid you could knock you down if you looked at him the wrong way... we are going to ride these kids to the promised land.
  6. boochelovesyouallhejusthasafunnywayofshowingitsometimes.ca It really rolls of the tongue.
  7. Everyone eh? Low roller... did you steal Booches password?
  8. Did you say irregardless? God have mercy on our souls.
  9. Fair point Ollie... I apologize. This forum definately needs some balance though if it is ever going to be useful again at something other than comforting fear mongers... unless everyone is content with it being a Haper Hate fest... which I have a feeling people (the vast majority of participants in this forum) would rather have. Cause he's not evil.. and has done more good things for this country in a year than the other party did in it's 12 years in office. Atleast that's what the masses and the momentum suggest at this point. Majority? It's not even required at this point. The cons are imposing their will even in a minority. Sure it's easy to run a surplus when you don't do anything as a governemnt, and you top up your coffers by robbing the provinces (Liberals)... lets see what a fisically responsible party is going to do with less than a $1 Billion dollar surplus... the major thing real conservatives are watching at this point after the budget (and probably the only way Harper will lose support if he proves he can't handle this upcoming high wire act). Do what you can and say, spend what you have, and don't spend what you don't have. Common sense. I wouldn't be surprised if Harper plays out a full term of 4 years before the other parties finally decide to 'bring em down'... Fack Harper is bating Dion around like a pinata! It's great with a minority, cause it forced the conservatives to play the spending card early... that's what they should really be doing... spending, and spending responsibly.
  10. Doesn't anyone dream anymore?... Last night I was back at cape spear with the Cross Canada bikers I rolled over Newfoundland with last summer... only this time I couldn't bear to watch them finish the journey and I excused myself... then My fire alarm went off.
  11. You got snowshoes?! It's like I hardly know you anymore.
  12. That was a neat period in music history... personally as well. I don't remember the t-shirts... Was eddie on Drums for the hovercraft set? There were projections too? It was way too avant-garde... i.e. Garage Band, to get into. I do remember him and dave on Guitar with Mike Watt.
  13. Hey I don't mind that people talk about religon... it's just not really a debate for me... I've already marginalized them in my reality... and it's much better than having all this talk in the cavern where threads would be like: Local Band Plays at 11:00... America Sucks... So who likes Bob Dylan?... Kill Conservatives... My point is more... people don't want to talk about politics so much around here anymore. And it's the same old pundits arguing each side which makes me feel that what's being said isn't particularly attrative to a new audience. The worst for me, and it's been confirmed with a solid use of language in this thread, is when someone comes in with ideas a little right of centre... we get accused of being Neo-Cons... fuck just cause you don't want to spend money you don't have doesn't mean you want to drop bombs on every corner of the globe. I'm tired of the prejudice that exists in this forum.
  14. I was there. I got my ticket signed by Mike Watt. Hovercraft was horrible... the Foo's rocked, and the Mike Watt was pretty good... I liked how he played bass notes by dropping the bass on his head.
  15. I'm glad you like it. Dave Grohl gets a bad name considering how many awesome tunes he's come out with. The last Foo show I saw at the Ampitheatre was incredible. I'm reminded of a Howard Stern show I saw where Dave was on, and Stern couldn't get enough of Everlong, saying it was his favourite song of all time. From what I saw at the concert, I don't think his opinon is an isolated one.
  16. Bump... he just talked about Oshawa, and now Willie's coming on...
  17. I hope a highway doesn't fall on you when you're there. Oh who am I kidding. I love Montreal... my birth place!
  18. HOW BOUT THOSE REFEREES!!!! Gawd... the teams are all even, and the Refs are a bunch of knobs... this time in the Sens favour... but c'mon! You want to talk about taking the skill out of the game? Have it so the players have no fucking Idea what they can and can't do. edit: Unreal. It happened again. This was clearly a 'make-up' game for Ottawa... but why do they have to do this? McGeugh doesn't know his head from his ass. Other than that... Vermette and Kelly... why were they ever put on different lines? Gerber... he's playing as well as a 9-0-2 in his last 11 suggests. Controversey... not really... just some good depth. That 3rd was hillarious... going to be some skewed ice time stats for sure.
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