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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. Hehe, sorry kev... no luck for me. Even through the links... it just links that "image not availiable message".
  2. I see that message too Kev... and a very disturbing picture of Michael Jackson.
  3. Isn't a tall hill good for tobogganing? There's no cliff on this hill is there? How hard is it then to get to the cave. Tobogonning down a small hill is kinda like a slow coaster no?
  4. Oh yeah, Conan also had a segment about "The Secret", and Joel Goddard was a big fan, saying he's "batting 1.000", with things like a botched midlife circumcision, and a date with S&M Lincon (Abe Lincon all 'dolled' up, and with a whip)... good times!
  5. Hehe, I guess you won't get mad at me the next time I make fun of his lisp... And I'm not the one that like to tell pedophillia jokes!!! (I only laugh cause I'm uncomfortable)
  6. Theme: The last song that you heard in a dream (or last band/musician that appeared to you in a dream and what they were playing or failing that, your favourite song by said band/musician). A brief description of the dream would be nice but not necessary 1. Phish - Down with Disease (the dream took place at a motel which, strangely, had a small amphitheatre) 2. Sound Tribe Sector 9 - Musical Story, Yes (I have re-occuring dreams of me being seriously lost at a STS9 show.. which is a vague memory of it really happening.. And this song (well not really a song but an expert) is always playing.. freaky deaky) 3. Danny Whitten - C'Mon Baby Let's Go Downtown (Had a dream that Zappa was playing it, but someone thought it was Neil, then it was on an album, then it was on the neverending internet list....) 4. Abba - Knowing Me, Knowing You (No explaination needed) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  7. Willie Nelson is on tonight... "He has more Cannabis in his system than a Rastafari with Glaucoma" His show was incredible last night (for Colbert)... the word was all about Prisoners donating organs for reduced jail time... "It's like the Death Penalty with instalments" "They should just take an organ for each crime. Petty Theft: Pint of Blood; Armed Robbery: We take a Kidney; Muder: We take your lungs"... He's going to get up in Willie's gril about his new Ben and Jerry's Georgie Peach Ice Cream and try to push Stephen Colberts Americone Dream. ===== Anyone see Tom Arnold on Conan last night!?! He was messed up... BIG TIME... white lightning I guess... even pointed out about how doing drugs was really bad and not to do it, then recalled a story about going to Las Vegas with the Governator, and getting him to hallucinate by giving him too many niccorettes. It was "Crispin Glover" worthy, but I cannot find a clip of it anywhere yet. Stay tuned!...
  8. "Neo-con"... geez... no wonder I find it useless to post in this forum. Sorry guys and gals, it's just too many threads end up as 'black and white', and get too personal, no constructive/co-operative/progressive thought; rather it seems most threads end, kicking and screaming: defeatest; impossibilist; good vs. evil points of view. That being said, I feel much more comfortable in the Cavern, and I don't get nailed for grammer as much; or worse yet, supporting a JayDawg show as when I first joined the board, so I don't think my contributions to this forum have come to naught. Also there got a time where over 50% of the posts in here were religous in nature... that bores me.
  9. I missed most of this drama, being a self absorbed Easterner...
  10. Nice, back into fourth without even playing a game. Those goons from Pittsburg got two Elbowing calls, a slashing and a boarding tonight against the Rangers... only stick work interference against the Sens... (ok, one elbow... but there were 3 not called, a couple of boardings, and if you're going to call goaler interference at the one end, you sure as hell better do it at the other). 1st Round... we are going to have Gratts in there for sure... Roberts... I'm looking in your general dircetion.
  11. If you put a dress on him, for sure! So how's everyone's March Madness brackets looking?
  12. Yeah, pretty sweet... "They think cause I like chest protectors I'd be the catcher, but I was like, I have too much range! So shortstop it was."
  13. Oh, yeah, just remember the play that defined the night. No penalty calls yet, Anton Crashes the net as the puck is getting there, skates behind Orpik, and puts on the breaks... Orpik decides to hit Volchenkov into his own goalie anyways, and Volchenkov falls through the net, trying to avoid the goaler... A-train gets the penalty... the ref was 6 ft. away looking at the play... the replays were all to contradictary to the refs ability to properly see what happened. It was all down here from there... except for the character the Sens displayed squeezing a point outta that game.
  14. Yeah, don't get me wrong, I don't mind if an individual doesn't like a band. It's a question of flavour... it's when the debate becomes all obtuse like it has here, and nobody knows what the fuck anyone else is talking about (Deeps, you lost me too).
  15. If you want to get to the root of the song writing, check out Steve MacDougals' solo album: Spanish Bay; Slick changes, great cadence, just a fine wordsmith. Oh yeah, a little bit of Bille Holiday type jazz. I can't find anything about this album online... I guess I'll just keep it my little secret.
  16. I like these guys. I was so much older then, I'm younger than (AD) that now. I guess... They are a party band. A fantastic party band that gets people who want to party, to party really hard. People who worship the smell of their own farts need not apply. Oh, and they're not going away any time soon. Steve MacDougall exudes music... and I fear what would become of Mike if he didn't have Slowco (Flea anybody)... so basically I dread this conversation coming up anytime they come around. This board is so arrogant sometimes. I don't care how complicated the songs are... I just care if it impresses my date, and getting her bouncing around the dancefloor. It did... giddy up! You know, now that I peel back the drunken layers of that night, they're were alot of fine looking couples at that show... lots of partner dancing, head down groovin, only looking up to get to and from the bar, and very little musician worship... I like that. FTR, Dima has some smooth moves!
  17. No, Emery Stopped him, just one from Ruutu... wasn't a strong game for Emery... but strong enough considering a shootout is the Senators biggest enemy. 3 More wins, and we get a playoff spot.
  18. Oh, the Refs... I hate calling it, but it was a gong show. Alfie got called running over Fleury, but Fleury was two feet outside of his crease... Alfie also got his stick on the puck, which means it was Fleury interfering with Alfie... not the other way around... at worst it's a non-call and let them play. The whole game was embarassing from a reffing point of view... 3 elbows not called, but every fucking stick work thing was called... unless it was against the Sens. Crosby also dove in the first, and Crosby and Bryan Murray had a yelling match on the bench. It was amazing we got a point out of it... the Refs clearly wanted the Pens to win... Oh the coup de gras was when the linesmen broke up a breakaway pass when Preissing went off the glass to a streaking and all alone Alfie, and the linesmen batted it down outside the Sens blueline. It doesn't matter. The Sens are a team of destiny! I've said it before, I'll say it again... thank goodness there are no shoot outs in the playoffs. Our powerplay goal game on the first second of it at the end of a 4-4... There is just no way we were the team that played outside the rules more. Everything will be much better in the playoffs when the games recieve more attention, and the refs held more accountable for their bias. I also have a wicked headache, so before you nail me booche... let me say I already hate myself for having to whine like this.
  19. "Are you fucking kidding me?!!!" - Daniel Alfredsson
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