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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. I vote the Pete off, it was tough, but I base my vote on the fact that it was the hardest for me to get to the end of. And that's saying something considering the length of the Yardbirds, or even Santana...
  2. So when's the next big vote to force an election? Are we going to have to wait until the new year? Lets hurry this thing up! If this is true... a) There's no way the Conservatives could even come close to a majority It is likely the Liberals would win a Minority government, which would be fine with me to keep the new leader on his or her toes c) We could really see where Quebec stands in relation to re-electing a Bloc government (and if it goes all red, perhaps even a Liberal Majority) d) There is no way any Same Sex Legislation will passed anytime soon e) There is no way any pro-life Legislation will be passed anytime soon [color:purple]I'm so angry and scared! But seriously, this government has almost been lame duck, even though every move has been under a mircoscope... I'm ready to vote again, atleast to get a sense of the judgement that the people have on what has happened so far, and the ramp up the tension on a minority government to 'make it or break it'. How would that work? How long until the government is defeated in the House until election day? A month or two? Wasn't the Bloc saying it would bring down the house sometime into the new year, which would fit nicely with the Liberals and their newly appointed king, er, leader! March elections? That'd be my guess. Feburary would be fun!
  3. So In! Wouldn't miss this... definately my favouite artist of the last 15 years!
  4. I know someone who's a Tiger fan, and has been suprisingly quiet considering. I'll give you a hint: Those Tiger fans certainly know how to celebrate! Let's just hope if they win it all they don't start fliping cars and putting them on fire. The people of Detroit need all the good news they can handle. I'd like to see Delgado win the Championship, but if that can't happen, Detroit winning is no doubt the next best storyline for me.
  5. True that. Good game by everyone but Spezza and Scheafer. I counted 5 giveaways by Spezza before I stopped counting/didn't notice him out there. and Scheafer was almost as bad at not doing what he's good at... keeping it on the boards, and getting the cycle going on offence. Nice to pick up the points, but too bad they had to give some up... still it was lucky in alot of ways. Good game.
  6. Which box is that on Proline? I wouldn't be suprised! The way the puck has been bouncing over Heatley's stick, the guy needs a tennis raquet.
  7. I like how there were a couple comments made about how others' should close their mouths about the leadership race. I don't think I could ever comment about someone else 'not commmenting', seems kinda odd, kinda like saying free speech for me, but not for you, and I didn't even have a reporter ask me a direct question about the topic, like Ignatieff did when he spoke his views about 'war crimes' and how Harper was when he was asked about Ignatieffs' comments. If anything Harpers comments will either a) Clarify the Liberal Party candidates views towards the subject, because quite frankly, the Liberal Party sometimes manages to support many popular positions simutaniously. This can only to be to the benefit of the Delegates so they can atleast beaware of 'who' they are voting to be their leader, or Harpers comments can be used to expose them as the yes-people they act as to effectively balance in the middle of popular opinon. I'm not denying it was a mud sling. I don't think that 'Anti-Isreal' was the best terminonlgy to use, but one can't deny that it's shaken things up, and really challenged the Liberals to rise to the occasion, and really isn't that what being a good leader entails? I suppose it really comes down to the goals set out by the parties in question. Harper has painted the Candidates into a corner, the real test is if they will all be able to work together and stay consistant with the "We don't want Harper in power" stance, or if they will allow their own infighting to bring them down. Harpers comments only hurt him in this respect, and is therefore a solid consequence for his goof. So far so good for the Liberals... tomorrow's going to be a fun day! How anyone can comment about someone else 'not to comment' is beyond me.
  8. The Fan in me says Sens 5, Mtl 0 The Proline player in me says Mtl 3, Ottawa 2
  9. Much better, thanks. So if you can get around the grammer, that was kinda what I already said about Rae in my first post. Looking forward to read about what you think "people like to do next...". Is this why you list "Contract Killer" as your occupation in your profile? I suppose I'm just one of the people you don't like cause of my stupidity. Sorry to get this thread so off topic.
  10. Yeah, sorry, I should be more like you Silverback. Limit my posts to Linking to an article or a picture, and only saying what I think in a sentance or two. That way I'd have far less to edit, and like yourself, I'd never look like an idiot. Boy is my face red.
  11. TV on the Internet... Why didn't I think of that! Be nice to nerds. Your going to work for one someday.
  12. Thought this was an incredibly hot topic as so many layers of politics come crashing though this lens. The Globe has a pretty fair intro report on the subject, but no doubt the nature of this debate is going to send ginormous shockwaves through Canadian Politics. Globe and Mail Article I thought this editorial in the comments section was quite clear, and I tend to side with Ignatieff on his original perception. Still, there is a case to be made for Isreal that by and large it's offensive was strategic, and steming from a direct attack, there can within that framework be instances where 'war crimes' can occur, and Ignatieff was not in the wrong for saying this. Here's the comment.... Irregardless of the fact there may of been war crimes on both sides, it's still valid to say that one of the sides did a war crime. The PM did not do himself any favours by playing the 'Anti-Isreal' card, though he has a logical loophole as he stated that 'some' liberal Candidates have 'anti-isreal' stance, and it has been conflated to 'Harper says the Liberals are Anti-Isreal'... still for the political game he's trying to play, the same consequences for the Liberals would of unfolded weather he fanned the flames or not... and to my resounding approval, Harper is now getting a tonne of flack for politicizing this issue as he has. The Kunundrum for me lies in the fact that even when we do identify a country or a nation as commiting a war crime, we can't really stop doing buisness with it... (or can we?) What about the USA and Guantanamo... or the Iraq prisons... nevermind the precet for the actual invasion of the War.... Harper/Rae(with his "my wife is Jewish, so I know!" stance) are framing it so that we have to ignore the 'little war crimes' so that we CAN do buisness and have a clean conciousness... ignoring the facts... Iggy is atleast willing to start the debate, and the way it seems to have opened up like a powder keg (atleast on the newspaper sites and Radio), seems like there been alot of dialog repressed... Still what a dynamic issue... facts/stances/alliancs/strange bedfellows... crazy time. In other news... word on the Street is that Iggy is going to get ganged up on by Rae, Dion, and Kennedy at the Delegates thing-a-ma-gig. So he's got a tough road ahead of him, and meaning there's a very good chance that Bob Rae might be the next leader of the Liberal Party of Canada! This is a revelation so crazy to me that I think I'm beginning to see what all you think about Harper... "This is impossible... how could this happen!"... but I'll be the bigger person and hope if/when he gets elected he can do much more with his experience, and free spending when we are not in a recession... oh wait, Ontario had the Smallest growth of all the Provinces this year, and predicted for the next year (unless the Auto Industry gets online soon, it could be recession time!)... what is Canada going to do with a stalled engine, and Bob Rae cranking the starter!
  13. Can't say, didn't get there until JoMomma's closing set.
  14. Yeah, that's why I'm saying November is when they'll even start to turn it around. They'll put Gerber in net... the Chemistry 'gained' by the defence in the last game will be stagnet, or decline as Gerber will test their confidence, and they'll have another tough game... yikes... against the Habs. Maybe we'll get some lucky bounces, but it seemed even when we did get some against Calgary, there was no 'skill' to finish things off. They'll get going eventaully, but they'll be climbing back into the crowd this year instead of surfing ahead of it like they did last year. They would of been doing that anyways with their empty schedule for October, so it's not so bad... just magnifying how much each loss seems... and it won't get any easier until November when there's actually teams (other than the Leafs), that we regularly beat last year.
  15. That was a fun show last night! Too bad Ed enialated his kick drum pedal about 3/4 through the show and had to stop... Sick jams! But seriously guys, just cause the Steroids are cheap now doesn't mean you have to do more! I really don't think Kick Pedals are suppose to break like that!
  16. I think the snow fall news got me outta a depression! It's like the Holiday's and the smell of Fireplaces is exilerating!
  17. Is there anything that this plant can't do better than some awful cheezy synthetic? Free the Weed!
  18. I don't. That's my 2 cents. Anyone wanna bet?
  19. Yes hattricks... three goals in a game! And natural hattricks are three in a period!
  20. There we go... Scheafer could of easily cleared it to neutral ice... but he gets fancy and holds the puck in at the boards... Calgary steals it, and boom, back of the net... If they haven't beat Kipper yet... they won't. I miss Corvo, and I don't even know him.
  21. Thankgoodness you got rid of that creepy avatar Booche!!!
  22. Certainly is like watching a whole different team this year... 0-0 with the Flames going to the third... but the skill has definately gone down a few notches for the Sens this year... Skating over loose pucks... letting forchecking just skate past the defence to get control of the puck on the defensive end... clogging up the front of the net at the expense of not covering the opposing defencemen in the defensive zone... and just very little 'in-syncness' for the team... Calgary doesn't look too much better... no one can put the puck in the net, nor does it look like they're trying too hard... oh yeah... Enjoy that hit from Paneuf on Hamel... it'll be on highlight packs for years! Last year was a special thing... this year is going to be a challenge... even to get into the playoffs... still it's going to fun... 2nd youngest team in the league still, so when Fisher, Vermette, Eaves, and Meszaros are ready to grow up, we'll be back on top! Knock on wood.
  23. Hmmm don't know if I can... I'll try. I got a 23" Widescreen Proview HD TV that I used first off as a computer monitor (it's like two 17"monitors side by side), but now I use for everything screen related. It was under $1000, so it's probably not 'the best' in terms of having 'deep blacks' or things like that... but it's still friggin great... even got rid of my old TV and moved the compter outta the office and into the living room. I've noticed the next generation are at Futureshop, so they could be better, and in the year I've had it, the price dropped $60 (around $800-$1000 depending on deals/tax/warranty) on the 'next gens' and my model was priced for clerance. In terms of 'problems' I have encountered... it's a little slow (but not fatally slow, more 1 second into annoying) changing between TV and Computer, or say your DVD, and the TV speakers are okay, but not the best, but since I'm right close to my stero now, I'm one wire away from fixing that, and I'm still not used to 'widescreen' tv, so I'm not sure if some of the warping at the edges is due to that, but in computer mode, everything is the way it should be... and big! Spreadsheets, Graphic Design, YouTube, Games, are all pumped up cause of this puppy I stare too long at anyways!, but the space I save cause of the flatness... it's great...
  24. Yeah, Jeff Heisholt filled in on Keys... oh, and I called the Eye's opener... I have witnesses!!
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