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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. yeah this is pretty shocking. why did he die??? He was so young..... I feel sad for his family and such.. awww
  2. lol guess I am the only one... *tumbleweed blows through my post...*
  3. They are playing tomarrow...anyone else going besides me???
  4. I AM TOTALLLY IN!!! wooooot!!! Carrie already informed me of this very important date .. I am practicing my moves to get ready...
  5. I posted this last week but everyone shoudl watch this. IT's very interesting and relavent! maybe some of U know it already but it really made me think... it's about 20 minuites... www.storyofstuff.com
  6. hahhaha that is awesome... it seems like U have some good luck there
  7. YEAH AweSOME!!!!!! That is so exciting!!! U guys rock and I'm very very happy for U!!! Much loVE!! *hugs*
  8. lol.. I heard there was a place called 'intercourse'... haha lol.
  9. I can't think of too many.. the only one I am not too fond of is Touch of Grey.. cause I dont' think it should be as 'popular' as it is. I think the video is pretty funny though..
  10. Happy Birthday Tooo yooooooou... Have a good night tonight!
  11. awwww I hope everything is ok for these too!!! Unfortunatly I don't really have anything to give them cause I am not a 3 yr old or a tall skinny male. But I will give them GOOD VIBES!!!
  12. Try the Pizza Pizza call in place.. I just put in a resume there too. IT's right at the delta.. arcoss from Gage Park. Behind the Pizza Pizza restaurant. I'm also looking for work here... it's hard to find!
  13. We watched this video in one of my classes. It's very eye opening, and pretty distrubing. It's already got me thinking about how I can be a 'better consumer'. www.storyofstuff.com ....apprently the website is down right now.. arg. Anyways... when it isn't down be sure to watch it!
  14. I think snow is beautiful!! I love it when it's sunny and the snow is sparkly. I also love to go for walks when it's snowing cause no one is outside. I also don't like it cause I can't bike, and a lot of my pants are wider on the bottom so they always get wet and the salt stains them.. sigh...not to mention that it's cold. ahh well... snow is jut part of life here... *shrug*
  15. Happy b day Miranda.. Hope U have a blast woohoo!
  16. Happy Birthday Dave... Hope U have a wicked day
  17. this is off topic.. but Phishtaper I like ur avatar... I love Ina.. mm she makes dreamy food
  18. I am pretty sure that Steve will open. Everyone happy now?
  19. bwaa haaa I don't remember that hot dog man... what is his deal. He must have been really hot..(dog)
  20. awww nice pics Tara! I hope to make it back this year!!!
  21. woohooooooooooooooooooooo goo hammertown reggae
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