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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. jay wow what a crazy adventure!!!! Sometimes challenges are what we need in life.. this sounds like a DOOOZY of a challenge. I am really amazed that U pulled through and are looking at this all through a positive light!! Love ya lots Jay and I hope everything is a bit better now!!!!!!!!!! (HUGSHUGSHUGS!)
  2. Hey everyone.. If ur in the neibourhood of Hamilton, there is a great festival going on this weekend. It's at Gage Park (Main and King, East Hamilton) The English Beat is Playing tonight at 9:30, Don McClean playing tomarrow, and Eric Burden and the Animals playing sunday night. it's free too!!! I'm forsure going tonight for the English beat!! ohh yeah!
  3. yaaaay Marge. U are one wicked cool chica love ya lots
  4. I want one too!!! Karin I would be happy to send U that!
  5. sweeeet this looks wicked fun! I'm glad to see Chameleon project and Fat Cats on the bill!!! I'm getting pumped!!! oooh yeah!
  6. that is crazy! how does life just fly by so fast...
  7. ohh my god!!!! I'm so glad U guys are ok. I'm sooo sad that all your stuff got wrecked. ***JAY**** *hugs*
  8. Brazillian Girls- Pussy Marijuana.. I freakin love this song.. heheehe
  9. I agree too... When I lived in Toronto for school, I reaaaly noticed that people are pretty pushy on the streets. I remember bumping into people and saying sorry... and they would just keep on walking.. BUT there are also some reallly nice people in T. dot too... I find that people are a bit more accepting...in Kensington Market everyone is willing to have a chat with strangers..
  10. hahaha I saw it last night.. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny. It definatly exceeded my expectations. GO SEE IT!
  11. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Tara!!! I'm really glad to have hung out with U this year too Thanks for making Gratefulfest more fun Birthday Hugs! Love Sarah
  12. I really think I am going to go to this. I heard SoulJazz Orcestra on CBC this morning. They are also playing at the Beaches Jazz Festival They sounded wicked too
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