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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. I don't think I'm gunna make it.. just money and time requirments.. I hope EVERYONE HAS THE BEST TIME EVVVER though!!!
  2. Mac n Cheese!! (homemade) is the ultimate comfort food!
  3. whoohooooo I can't wait for my dose of wassabi.. lookin forward to it!
  4. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! You guys look so happy Congratulations!
  5. I have one... 11. Kinnie Starr-Grandma's Bicycle! (we can add it later.. hahaha)
  6. I thought about this for awhile.. and does it mean your own boobs or others? cause if I have to choose between my own boobs or beer I for sure choose boobs. lol... I love this thread.. too funny.. and even shocking at times.
  7. Chameleon project was also mentioned in the view this week! woohoo!
  8. I love love love this theme but it sure is tricky...there should be way more songs about bikes.
  9. that's wicked!!! have fun for me too Schwa
  10. bwaa haa haa.. I'm sorry everyone... I thought I made a mistake! *eek* and I am on a verrry slow computer... lol ..I don't know what I'm doing.
  11. #241 Summertime Songs 1. The Beach Boys - Surfin' USA 2. Blotto - Lifeguard 3. The Who - Summertime Blues 4. Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime 5. Otis Redding-Sittin on the Dock of The Bay 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  12. ..U may mock my sandwich.. but it was AWESOME.
  13. lol this question is hard!!! I guess I would choose beer because I'm not a lesbian...but word up to boobs.. hahahaa
  14. heheh I didn't know there were 2 threads.. man...sandwiches sure are a polular choice around here
  15. I just ate the best sandwich ever made. It was made on multigrain rye, with melted cheese, ham and mustard.. OHH YEAH! ..anymore sweet sandiwches??
  16. 1) a really nice cool breeze coming in the window, especially welcome after a long muggy week 2) when people mess up communication/ideas on the interweb r) a rim job 3) cold beer(and a joint) on a hot afternoon of outdoor working. 4) simple acts of kindness; one man/woman's garbage is another's gold 5) campfires in your own backyard 6) sunday afternoons with steve kimock & pete sears 7) Mojito (rum, mint, lime, ice and club soda) 8) Losing a really close game of Cribbage 9) fuÇking in front of mirrors (but not underneath, that sh!t's 80's cheesy) 10) Stomping around in rain puddles 11) Playing with your dog and a water hose. I laugh out loud every time. 12) sunrises/sunsets 13) birds singing to start the day 14) danniel o,donnell,s music 15) eggs benny on a hungover sunday morning 16) catching raindrops on your tongue and spinning naked while cooking up some hemp oil tofu steaks and listening to a sick Phix show 17) the experience of enjoying a refreshing beverage, doesn't even have to be alcoholic 18) Phone Calls from friends Overseas
  17. this sounds really fun., I can't make it.. but someone I know is planning on going from Hamilton.. is anyone going from the hammer that could be a show buddy???
  18. woah...kinda made me dizzy.. that was craaazy!
  19. yay... this is sweet... Anyone else??
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