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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. So... I was just wondering.. why do U guys like the place where U reside?? what are the great things about your city/town/district/farm/streetcorner..whatever... I like Hamilton for soo many reasons! There is an amazing amount of wicked people in this city.. so many great little communities. I like the Skydragon center, and pepper jacks! I like that we have a city, but we also have so many trails and lots of places to enjoy nature. ..what about U guys??
  2. I know I'm late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! YAAAYYYYYYY GREG!! hehehehee
  3. #237 - Songs YOU played that drove your house nutzzzzz 1. Metallica - Ride the Lightning 2. Alice In Chains - Rooster 3. Huey Lewis and the News- I wanna new drug 4. Led Zeppelin - Dazed And Confused (live version from The Song Remains The Same) 5. Nine Inch Nails - Head Like a Hole 6. Paula Abdul - Cold Hearted (haha) 7. PJ Harvey - Down By The Water 8. Chaos UK - Hope You Got A fuÇking Headache 9. Phish - Contact 10. The Crucifucks - Go Bankrupt and Die (Actually, pretty much anything by that band tended to drive anyone within earshot nuts, including my fellow punk-rockers at the time.) 11.Del The Phunky Homosapien- Pissin on your Steps 12. C+C Music Factory-Gunna Make You Sweat Next Topic... Favourite Hip-Hop Songs 1. Rosa Parks-Outkast
  4. yeah they were great! lotsa enegry.. check em out if U can!! and yeah I did go to the show
  5. They're a funk band from Australia.. they played in hamilton last sat!!
  6. mmmmm I just bought raspberry chipotle salsa and organic corn chips!! can't wait to eat em.. YUM
  7. this sounds like a super fun night.. Pablo Discobar is awesome!! well.. everyone looks pretty sweet.... gunna be in hamilton though
  8. it's lookin more and more like I am could be going to this!! How much are tickets???
  9. ohh boohooo.. poor poor paris....
  10. yeah I had a great time too!! hehehehe many shanannigans went down.. tee he heeee hee good times!!!
  11. Richard Dorfmeister Presents.. A Different Drummer Selection.. It's a really freakin sweet reggae cd... oh yeah
  12. Recycle Cycles!! go there.. it's awesome. They charge you for the parts only.. it's pretty cheap and they are very nice. It's at Erskine Church in the basement. Sat 9-12 Tues 6-9 pm
  13. ha ha ha very funny Lex.. why does everyone twist my words on this crazy board...? hahaha lol
  14. Postal Service-ummm their one album.. lol.
  15. 1. Men without Hats - Safety Dance (brother!) 2. Oasis-Wonderwall (sister) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I still to this day cannot stand anything Oasis... booo Oasis.
  16. yeah have a blast everyone.. I have work stuff and other commitments so I can't make it.. but woooohoo good times!
  17. I find lying on my back helps.. it's weird but if I'm in any other position I toss and turn..
  18. I know i've eaten some random stuff.. hehe I really enjoy a felafel at the end of a long night of drinking.. yum.
  19. whooooooooohoooooooooo 420 is the best number. Hazzaa for Tara!
  20. Hey John!! Happy birthday to one of my favourite dudes around.. I miss ya a lot.. hopefully I'll be seeing U sooner than later..!! *HUGS!!!*
  21. portobello mushrooms! maranade them in some soy sauce and ginger... and then U can break off the steam and throw em on the grill... yummy I want to eat this right now.. haha
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