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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. yipeee!!!!! I am excited for the hamilton show.. ohh yeah
  2. sweeet! JSB is back! awesome. This sat. looks pretty sweet too I must say
  3. lol.. I dunno why but that cracks me up...
  4. hey thanks soo much everyone.. this is wicked! We are doing orienteering for sure.. lol I have no idea how to do that ..lol guess I'm learning. The craft ideas are awesome too.. and we are soo having a scavenger hunt Brad M I love that idea... maybe I can look into that too...
  5. hey thanks soo much everyone.. this is wicked! We are doing orienteering for sure.. lol I have no idea how to do that ..lol guess I'm learning. The craft ideas are awesome too.. and we are soo having a scavenger hunt
  6. Sarahbelle


    Hey Natalie! glad ur back on!!! I hope everything is Fabulous with U! ~Sarah *HUGS*
  7. hey everyone.. So I'm doing a co-ordinator job that is an outdoors counselor for a summer camp. I was wondering if anyone had any cool outdoorsy ideas to do with kids 5-12. I have a TON of games but I'd really love to get them thinking more about nature. Help mee creative skanks!
  8. happy birthday to yoooou!
  9. yeah this was on CBC this morning. It's causing quite a controversy eh? lol...gotta love the chirstianity meets science fiasco.. *yeesh*
  10. Anyone like the Laberyth??? It's still one of my favourite movies EVER. Man.. the puppets in that movie are amazing.. so creative!!!
  11. 1. Bruce Springsteen - I'm On Fire 2. The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown - Fire 3. David Bowie - Law (Earthlings on Fire) 4. The Birthday Party - Sonny's Burning 5. Clash - London's Burning (or does a person have to be on fire?!?!) 6. Sting - I Burn For You (from "Brimstone and Treacle" soundtrack, 1982) 7. Stars - Set Yourself On Fire 8. April Wine- I'm on fore for you baby 9. Bruce Cockburn - Homme Brûlant 10. Mahi Akau - Stop, Drop and Roll** 11. Bob Marley-Burnin 12.
  12. pasta salad.... Mayo, tuna, celery, and pasta.. I pretty much only ever eat that in the summer!
  13. yay happy birthday baj! I hope I see U guys soon.. it's been too long HUGS!
  14. I totally think about my funeral.. I wonder who would show up... I HATE TO THINK OF THIS.. but mr sliipery if anything happened to U at all (god forbid) I would be there for sure.... eek... that is too weird.
  15. aww that pic of Lauren is amazing!!!
  16. #231 Songs Not for kids only. 1. Bob Marley- 3 Little Birds. 2. M.S.I. (More Stupid Initials) - Teddy Bears' Picnic (Believe me when I tell you that this version is barely for kids, to say the least.) 3. The Beatles - All Together Now 4. The Muppets - Movin' Right Along 5. Woody Guthrie - This Land Is Your Land 6. They Might Be Giants - D & W 7. Phish-Contact 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  17. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I had one in Korea as well, but I don't have one now...
  18. 230. Songs about dwellings, abodes. 1. Ryan Adams - This House Is Not For Sale 2. The Fall - Tempo House 3. The Mothers Of Invention - The Little House I Used To Live In 4. Radiohead - Life in a Glass House 5. The Dillards - Old Home Place 6. Madness - Our House 7. Ozzy Ozbourne-Mama I'm comin Home 8. 9. 10. 11.
  19. WOW awesome!! I am so happy for you guys!! The name Ada is really pretty too!! Love and Hugs! Sarah
  20. Man... I had such an awesome awesome time. Frountier town is like my batteries... The weather wasn't the super greatest but we had some sweet sunny moments. I already miss it! cheers everyone and thanks for making my weekend supersweeeeeeeeet!!! Wooot! ~sarah
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