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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. MARCO U rule man!!! I love randomly seeing U around Hamilton, it always makes the day a bit brighter! Thanks for always being sooo kind to me and encouraging me!!!!!!! LOVE YA!!! Sarah *birthday hugs*
  2. I dunno if ur into Hip Hop, but check out Digable Planets..they have a jazzy vibe and are pretty sweet if ya ask me
  3. YAY kevin! that's awesome dude!
  4. yeah... Manu Chau! Spearhead! (maybe) High Life Festival!!! I can't keep track... woah...
  5. woohoo!! I can't wait! I love this show so much.. one of my favs forsure..
  6. Happy Birthday Ari! We all miss U tons and I know I'm lookin forward to seeing U when ya get back WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Sarah *hugs!!*
  7. yay!! only 2 more days... getting stuff ready right now...
  8. I love her new album.. I wish I could have gone and seen her, but hopefully next time...
  9. Don't worry everyone who can't make it.. I wil have fun for U too..
  10. #229 Songs with titles that have nothing to do with the lyrics themselves 1. The Who - Baba O'Reily 2. Led Zeppelin-Immigrant Song
  11. YAY John! I'm glad U guys are comin!! wooooot!
  12. hmm...there are a few places in Hamilton... Pizza Pizza call-in center hires very often. It's at the corner of King and Main (near gage park) I also have a 'job counselor' and she helped me find places to apply. I can give U her contact info if U need it! Check Downtown Burlington/Hamilton cause there is usually something around!!! Oh yeah...U could be self-employed! (good for 'under the table' type work. Maybe make signs and put them up in your niebourhood for house cleaning, gardening, dog walking.. whatever... U could also put adds in newspapers and stuff Good Luck Tara!! ~Sarah
  13. 1. Eric Burdon & the Animals- Monterey- (Byrds, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, The Who, Ravi Shankar, Jimi Hendrix, Hugh Masekela) 2. Tragically Hip - Don't Wake Daddy (Kurt Cobain) 3. Bob Dylan - Highlands (Neil Young) 4. Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water (Zappa & the Mothers) 5. Don McLean - American Pie (Bob Dylan ["The Jester"], Elvis Presley ["The King"]) 6. Neil Young - Carmichael (Wayne Newton) 7. Leonard Cohen - Tower Of Song (Hank Williams) 8. Dead Milkmen - Punk Rock Girl [Mojo Nixon] 9. Drive-By Truckers - Let There Be Rock (ACDC/Lynyrd Skynyrd/Molly Hatchet/38 Special/Ozzy Osbourne/Blue Oyster Cult/Johnny Van Zandt Band) 10. Jonathan Richman - Velvet Underground (ummmm... Velvet Underground) 11. Red Hot Chili Peppers-Give it Away (Bob Marley) 12.
  15. woohooo I just got some money for gardening yesss.... the universe works in wonderful ways! Thanks Mickey and Dave for the wonderful kindness
  16. heheh I read your "RANT" in the view Marco.. well said my friend I'm sure everyone in Hamilton is groaning about the lameness of the Bar on Locke.
  17. Happy Birthday purrdy lady!! *hugs!!!*
  18. YAY Shain! U are awesome It's nice to see ya around these parts now and again see ya soon man! *hugs*!!
  19. dudes.. bad news! I am verry low on funds right now!!! I am not givin up though.. I'm gunna make it somehow
  20. YAY blane! U will OWN it man wooot!!! (((gooood vibrations))))
  21. Oh I have one... it's also on the Jamiroquai album but it's the song before 'function'... can I add it? I also dont' know the name.
  22. oh dear god.. my words are twisted!! I MEANT THE PICTURE ... .. NOOOOooo!
  23. it's verry tiny but U get the idea I'm sure lol
  24. I had a great time.. yeeah I was kinda sad that the march was not annouced!! I was trying to get a move on.. and my friends were like.. no no not yet.. they haven't announced it..lol so we missed the march It was pretty awesome to look back at the 4:20 countdown and see a haze of smoke rising above the crowd.. lol I still had fun. Dr. Payne and the Disease were awesome
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