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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. the bigger question is what the fawk were you doing on facebook?!
  2. 2nd Hamilton show just released!
  3. I'll see your pack of ciggies and raise you a kick-ass car for pickin' up the groceries.
  4. thanks for the link, Mr. P. the regular release for Hamilton Place is today as well. something must be going on with the Toronto tickets. yesterday I could easily pull close tix for the 3rd show (@ $250 per). now, all three TO shows are supposedly sold out on TM. i dont believe it. you can still "bid" on some tickets via TM (above face, naturally).
  5. um, who's Roman Grey? stupid fuckin' Patty.
  6. Question: Given China's abysmal record on human rights and its recent attacks on the people of Tibet, should Canada boycott the Olympic Games being held in China this summer? my $0.02: No. It would be unjust to our athletes to simply not attend the games but our uniforms should be altered to display some sort of protest and we should not attend the opening ceremonies. your $0.02?
  7. do you mean that literally? or, more in a you know, i could totally go for a smarties blizzard right now! kinda way?
  8. i saw these guys live a few years ago. was even funnier than i thot it was going to be. a great evening!
  9. phishtaper


    be very careful. do not underestimate the seductive power of the Lady McRib. sweet, delicious, 2am booty-call Ms. McRib.
  10. hmmmmmmmmmm, ok, i will be that little asian girl. i will rise to the challenge. im in. ok, so what do i do? and who do i give my $20 to?
  11. just so there is no ambiguity as to my running this deal. IM NOT. i wouldn't know how to run a playoff pool any more than I would know how to split atoms.
  12. phishtaper


    [color:purple]i dont think they are real ribs ...
  13. phishtaper

    Dish Soap

    [color:purple]thanks mom, that's actually why Im asking
  14. i cant really find fault with how they chose to spend their money. sure, they are nuts and they may damage the kid psychologically and turn her into some patty hearst or something. but they have worked hard for their money, so spend away.
  15. phishtaper

    Dish Soap

    what dish soap do you use? in the sink, not the dishwasher, i mean. i can only use sunlight lemon fresh. virtually everything else makes me nauseous because of the artificial scents.
  16. Imagine. Yourself. On a boat. In a river. With tangerine. Trees. And. Marmalade. Skies. SHAT RULZ!!
  17. I have never understood the appeal of Will Smith. I thot he over-acted in his sit-com and ever since. Sorry, I just dont get it.
  18. well at least you guys got money. all I got were sweaty ju-jubes wedged way down in the front pockets of his pants.
  19. phishtaper


    this is indeed frightening, but sadly, not a surprise. a few years ago I had an opportunity to sit down with the director of the department of reproductive health at the world health organization in geneva and was shown some shocking stats. in many of the old soviet countries, the preferred method of "birth control" was abortion and in some states, women had an average of 4 to 8 abortions by their mid-30s. sex-selection was a very important issue for parents and abortions would take place if prenatal diagnostics indicated, or even if they just thought, they were having a baby girl. some of the western women in our group actually cried during our discussions and the men were not unaffected either. it was a brutal eye-opener as to what goes on in other parts of the world and the very real issues they face. but then again, who the hell are we to judge?
  20. cigarettes are a controlled substance and their manufacture and sale is highly regulated by law. to answer your question directly, AD, i have no idea, but I would think not.
  21. absolutely. most researchers recognize a 15- to 30-year time lag depending on clinical outcome. yes, fewer people smoke now and compounding that "deficit" is the fact that various jurisdictions in Canada (Ontario included) have actually lowered cigarette taxes (primarily because of smuggling) much to the disgust of health groups. and as you point out, we are currently dealing with health costs of people who smoked 20 years ago. no doubt, its a very complex social, political, and economic issue. its an Economics term used in policy circles to refer to discrete streams of revenue, taxation, expenditure, etc. “moneys†or “monies†are both acceptable, but the former is preferred. im not sure why.
  22. phishtaper

    Bush's Resume

    is that a real cover? LOL
  23. sorry jayr, but that's wrong. smoking now costs society. yes, the government raises revenues through taxation, but since 2002/04, more moneys are spent on smoking-related healthcare than moneys coming in, and that's just direct costs. i work in health research and deal everyday with people in government and can assure you that they do care a great deal about the health of Canadians. they care a great deal. it's very sad that you think otherwise.
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