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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. what idiotic reactions. last time i looked you could legally buy cigarettes in corner stores. ban that sale and you hugely reduce cigarette consumption within the mainstream. are you naive enough to actually think that your middle-class neighbours are going to drive their SUV's down to the comfort zone at midnight for a hit of tobacco? please. they will just stop smoking. and of course deviant sub-populations will go underground. but, im not refering to them, im refering to 97% of the smokers out there who will just stop when they can no longer buy them legally.
  2. The Public Health Agency of Health Canada has identified three core areas of chronic disease prevention and control: cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. A great deal of effort is going into public awareness of healthy living, including disease prevention through diet, physical activity and smoking cessation. The problem is that so much of the information is long-term, common sense and difficult to transfer effectively to a quick-fix society. Why on earth would anyone smoke? The evidence is beyond debate - you smoke, you get disease. Period. And yet, millions of Canadian continue to do so, knowing full well that its a harmful activity. Yes, Health Canada's approach is to get the message out to both older and younger groups to stop, or not begin, harmful activities and to begin to incorporate healthy activities into our daily lives. But when we, as a population and as individuals, are too stupid to help ourselves, it's difficult for a well-intentioned, paternalistic government agency to get us to actually pay attention to the message. The only way to effectively stop people from smoking is to ban cigarettes. Attempting to convince people to stop isn't all that effective.
  3. let's hope the city learned its lesson during the Elton John ticket fiasco at the Aud and will make an effort to hold back a few more tickets this time for local walk-up sales when released. very few KW people got in to see Elton.
  4. fwiw, they have added a 3rd Leonard Cohen show at the Sony Centre. they have also added a show at Hamilton Place and lookie lookie, tickets are $80 to $85, not $250. Another show in Kitchener's Center in the Square will be announced soon as well. the price of the Toronto shows has been getting a lot a buzz in the industry and a lot of promoters are quite upset by the blatant gouge.
  5. over the past twenty years, tax revenues from the sale of cigarettes have generally exceeded healthcare costs directly associated with smoking (i.e., hospitalization, cancer treatment). adjustments to taxation and declining smoking rates over the past few years though have tipped the balance into deficit since about 2002/04. (Ontario actually has one of the lowest tax rates now too.) additionally, the costs of lost productivity, usually off-loaded onto employers and insurance companies, are said to be triple the total of direct healthcare costs ... but one could make the same indirect costs argument about most other lifestyle health issues, like poor eating and alcoholism.
  6. when we were in New Orleans last year for jazzfest, we went for muffulettas at Central Grocery - the originator of it. In a word, they were disgusting. Smothered in sickening olive salad on dense, grease-soaked 10" round loaf with almost an inch of meat and tons of cheese. Naively, we each got one, but realized our mistake upon opening the wrappers. Could barely finish a third of it. Never again.
  7. olives. i like the green ones over the black ones. and those italian deli olives stuffed with garlic or cashews are delicious.
  8. i think the birds are confused by the weather. i know I am.
  9. can someone please explain the grammer rules involved here?
  10. or gawd forbid, the group "shares appetizers".
  11. or, AdamH you could have some fun with a real life math problem and haul out the old tape measure ...
  12. damn, does this mean I gotta buy the hooker a steak?
  13. holy shit, hijacked in less than a minute!!
  14. FRIDAY!! way too many stupid posts today!!
  15. phishtaper


    Oh Lord, thank you for all of your delicious food blessings.
  16. agreed. besides, everyone knows there's only one state: confusion.
  17. everyone knows the acid on '98 phish tour was better. 03? hah!
  18. phishtaper


    well, at least you rank the whopper above the mexican slider.
  19. phishtaper


    hmmmmmmmm, you must have all misunderstood me. when I said "whopper", I wasnt referring to a burger. [/bokonon]
  20. the bane of my existence are students who walk around campus yapping on the cellphones bumping into everyone and generally being anti-social. it's funny, i was just thinking yesterday how peaceful it would be here if the campus introduced jamming.
  21. hey! I think I resent that! but im too busy eating dorito's and jacking off as well to care. i do like the liberal use of "fucktard" and other jovial nicknames here in jockville, though.
  22. well, rest assured. y'all are in good hands. although, personally I can't decide between the Nordiques and the Jets.
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