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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. Hello Air Canada? Um, what do you mean my ticket is non transferable? wowser. not the show to postpone.
  2. like seeing johnny cougar, i have no real desire to eat all of this leftover candy ... now, come 4:21, i might change my mind ...
  3. phishtaper

    Tax Cuts!

    screw all of you and your lousy taxes! im starting my own country! one paved with marshmallows and lined with candy cane street lights.
  4. my thots exactly. well, maybe not exactly ...
  5. when i was a kid, there was a dentist in the neighbourhood, Dr. Levine (who had the densest nosehair, by the way) who gave out toothbrushes. of course, he was doubly unpopular.
  6. sooooooooooo, how much candy did y'all shell out (or rake in)? we had around 40 kids or so. some fun costumes, especially on the little ones. a couple of fairy princesses and a cute little furry crocodile. the odd thing was that there was an inordinate number of adolescent boys in drag (most with huge bazooms), usually travelling in drag packs. we helped out our neighbours who set up a hot chocolate stand on their driveway, which was a real hit with the kids and parents too. one group of 4 boys came back twice, just to hang out and chat. was a really cool idea and the kids are actually remembering it from the year before. UofGuelph students also wheel shopping carts around the neighbourhood on a food drive, which I think is really cool too. great evening. yours?
  7. phishtaper

    Tax Cuts!

    sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!! helloooooo, Mr Yacht Dealer!!
  8. as much as I think I should make the effort to go see this guy because of his long and successful career, i really have no desire. and maybe that's sad for me. dunno.
  9. #315: Songs That Are Scary, Frightening (*but contain no references to Halloween) 1. Tom Waits - What's He Building In There? 2. Radiohead - Exit Music 3. Joy Division - Dead Souls 4. Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells 5. Blind Melon - Car seat 6. John Williams - Theme from Jaws 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  10. sweet. looks like it took you a while. i just did two.
  11. ... it's devil's night tonight.
  12. 'James' from the GTAA noise office left me a message with telephone numbers for some other office at GTAA and Transport Canada with only 6 digits. must have been his way of reducing his workload, or you guys have some secret telephone system.
  13. Transport Canada ah, so then you'd be the guy I ask why planes flying in and out of pearson are flying so low over guelph. window-shaking low. read the registration on the side low.
  14. one more folks, then I will send it off to the band as promised and hopefully they will play it!
  15. are you really free to come in your pyjamas?
  16. MSG, 12-31-2007 Set 1 Mike's Song
  17. it's because it's one of mine, right? i always seem to fuck up this game.
  18. the cows were in on it too ... edit to add: old joke from friends in Chicago. What does IOWA stand for? Idiots Out Wandering Around.
  19. the docks may have an official capacity of 3200, but that's chunked into several different spaces. at most, the main room (where the show is) can comfortably hold only 1200. the back room, which looks into the main room but only partially, might hold another 1000. the patio and other rooms would hold the other 1000. what happened on friday night was that the majority of the 3000 people in attendance crammed into a room that could only hold half that many people. it was nuts and surely violated fire code. the main room is simply not intended to hold that many people. so, other than the back room which was very comfortably filled, the rest of the club was virtually empty from what I saw. the trouble with Toronto is that there is no medium sized venue of 5000 to 6000. ricoh was an attempt to fill this void, but its just a small arena and only a small step up in comfort from the utterly horrible arrow hall (8000) out by the airport.
  20. thanks, O'H. this article should be posted whenever anyone argues that downloading doesnt hurt the artist. it can't be much clearer than this. for Deaner to say illegal release and download is like "watching someone fuÇk my wife" is pretty powerful stuff. this especially hits home because Ween is one of our own. fwiw, we did grab the "pre-release", but also bought the disc this weekend. i wanted to get it at the show, but i was too slow and they sold out (of everything!, i think). based on this article alone, I would have gone out and bought the CD if I didnt already have it. i hope others do.
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