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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. oh, do tell. we had an agent several years ago that would show us properties that were exactly what we didnt want (and they were often ones for which she was the listing agent - double commission, cha-ching) or she would send us emails with listings that "just hit the market" but we'd already seen them on line two weeks prior. we got rid of her. yes, a good agent is hugely important.
  2. suggestions? Top 10 things NOT to yell out at a Ryan Adams concert: 10. Summer of '69! 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
  3. the CMHC home buyer's guide is an excellent resource. it lists everything you need to do and provides some great tips.
  4. good advice, brad. Ollie, scan the www.mls.ca listings on a regular basis so you will be able to determine what a good deal is in specific areas of town. get an agent now and make sure you have all of your ducks in order when you do go to buy, because the best deals will often be had quickly. submitting an offer the day of listing is sometimes an effective strategy, but you have to be prepared to do that. dont expect prices to drop. at best, they will not increase. the market is still quite healthy in most of Ontario.
  5. i think so too, I didnt think elections ontario was running this. so, if the media decide who is to be part of the debate, then why is de Jong not included? true, the Greens do not currently have a seat (and that's the official cop-out excuse), but most of these media outlets have either explictly included the Green Party among their profiles of the top four parties, or de Jong and the Greens get sufficient coverage so as to imply these media outlets believe they are an important factor in the election (for many reasons, including: green issues, impact on the party of the referendum, ever increasing voter support of the party, etc.). im not suggesting a covert agenda or anything conspiratorial, im just saying that de Jong and the Greens are sufficiently important in the political landscape of Ontario now (and will become increasingly so) that they should be represented in this event.
  6. so, can you tell me why Frank de Jong of the Green Party isn't invited to the Ontario Leaders debate tomorrow night? sure, the Green Party has no seats now, but they did receive a decent vote tally in both the last federal and provincial elections (enough to win at least 1 List Member seat under MMP). the Green Party actually has some long-term momentum and it is shut out of this mainstream event. pretty sad, I think.
  7. ... was stress free. people seemed to be paying attention and were relatively respectful of others on the road. perhaps it was my pirate hat. arrrrrrrghhh
  8. not so ... Joan Jett, CNE Stadium, Friday the 13th, August 1982 (Police Picnic) pelted so badly, in fact, with dozens of Florida's other fruit (many injected with vodka, no doubt) that they stopped the show, the Q107 announcer came out and called us all assholes, and then joan did come back out to do a polite couple more songs ... and we behaved. ah, those were the days when you could bring a cooler into to a concert. (not shown, but surprise, last minute addition ... Talking Heads)
  9. did the bill look like this? (the $10 bill isnt work friendly)
  10. how was lunch, by the way, starhead?
  11. the good news for those on the floor by these support posts is that they are very thin. the bad news for those in the balcony is that these support posts are very thin.
  12. so, he told you it was fake AND he kept it? hmmmmmmmmm. im not a lawyer (thank god) but that doesnt seem kosher. i think at most, he can simply refuse to accept it. but, please someone correct me.
  13. "Mr Kerry, Boxers or Briefs?" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzapp!!
  14. Sweet! Prince Caspian is one of my fav Phish tunes. I loved it when they would play it. (and yes, I know I have no taste)
  15. We did that with 24 a couple of times. The strange thing is that you begin dreaming like you are in the show. It gets into your head, man.
  16. Sept 17 is my Mom's Birthday.
  17. I heard Neil Young puts on a real crappy show. So, to save y'all the trouble and frustration later on, I'd be willing to take a pair off someone's hands - at face, of course.
  18. Jane seems to to have a thing for ya, Dave. a definate keeper, I'd say. Happy Birthday
  19. if I wasnt chicken sh!t of being pummeled by equally sensitive fans, I'd wear that damn shirt myself! but alas, im away for the weekend ...
  20. so, the diesels that I see everyday that visibly emit smoke are just badly maintained? (diesels shouldnt emit any smoke at all?) ... because I see dozens of spewy diesel vehicles everyday, including almost all older vw's, benz's, as well as school busses, transpo vans, etc. school busses that idle at the side of the road for 30 minutes to 'warm up' are one of my pet peeves.
  21. sweet. thanks for the info ... and the reminder
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