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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. he loves to talk about his relationship with mingus. as for mmw, it's because he teaches at the new england conservatory in boston and both medeski and wood were proteges of his (as was billy martin although not at NEC), so that's why he doesn't mind them doing it. he's an angry man.
  2. i've had good experiences with the prices but last time in QC i think we got the worst room in the hotel, i'm sure it was the 'priceline' room.
  3. what's the deal with this burning man?
  4. yep i'm psyched about this year. always good stuff
  5. haha this is the only time of the year that i care about basketball...it's fun!
  6. wow i can't believe how small this thread is. i haven't gotten any work done the past few days... cbs has video feeds of the games... and a 'boss' button you can hit if you need it
  7. damn i had no idea... i gave my dad's dr. hook LP collection to charity not too long ago (as well as lots of other stuff i thought noone in the world liked...hehe)
  8. anything with chris farley or adam sandler any nature series...like the blue planet
  9. ain't life grand? you can tell everyone to go f&ck their dog and die if you want and then it all gets wiped away, a fresh blanket of snow covers your sins, hehe a question out of curiosity though...has anyone ever been locked out of the board? (for posting bad things)?
  10. sorry if i confused you too... i agree with all your thoughts thus far. i think now... his pot/x hilarity thing was not related to tonight's chat but referring to earlier in the thread when some complained that the x bust might be spun into being related to a pot bust, suggesting that pot should not be tainted by such a scandalous relationship. ? but the drugs not curing anything bit must refer to what we were talking about tonight, since you were directly quoted.
  11. this is very true. and reminds me of that thread about spending money on clothes.
  12. oh, i was mixed up i guess...when you said you don't think there are benefits to any prescription medecine, but do believe that x is no worse than pot, i thought your hilarity at it all was relating to that together (ie. what YATS bokonon and i were talking about) but i guess you were referring to two separate sub-topics in this thread? i must have been confused.
  13. i guess you don't know anyone who has been seriously, adversely affected by bad ecstasy. i do, and it's not really all that hilarious to me willy, in fact not one bit i do think it's really impressive that you've never been cured by an antibiotic or any medecine before! wow! i know i'm being grumpy here, but i'm not a fan of x for several reasons, which to me are valid but i guess not to others. as always, to each their own. i think i'd better leave this thread alone from now on...sorry..
  14. i haven't seen such ads, i don't watch tv. i don't take medecine unless i feel it is necessary. (my doc knows this and acts accordingly. i'm also pretty happy i've had access to meds on dire occasions though!) maybe your doc can prescribe you an x substitute then if you ask.
  15. am i a 'lady'? oh i agree with ya... that the pharmy industry is whacked but i am also in favour of regulation. prescription drugs are issued in order to HELP people cure disease. adverse effects are uncommon and very slight in comparison to the percentage of people that are helped by a drug. comparing a useful medication to a drug like ecstasy which is uncontrolled in its production and the long-term effects of which are not promising, is ridiculous, as is lauding the mass distribution of it to the public.
  16. btw i'm sure if you really think about this question you will come up with the logical answer.
  17. yes i expected this reply, of course. but go ahead and fry your brain, i really don't mind! ^^not meaning this personally of course
  18. but...you might need a babysitter/nurse after your brain and body's all melted into goo inside from the shit that's in those pills... just saying... i do think the right to choose is important, but teenagers (or adults too really, hehe) sometimes aren't smart enough to know what's enough.
  19. i dunno, i used to love going to dances all whacked out on all manner of things.
  20. i don't think it's hard to make money in japan. i earned more there than here and for less work. i was there for a couple years and went to tons of concerts, etc. and lived downtown and saved around 20K to travel with. i have no idea how long it would take me to save 20K in canada, but i can't even imagine! i can barely even save for my taxes these days. i didn't have any tesl or whatnot, and had a variety of jobs which ranged from 3000-10000 Yen per hour. what kinda neighbourhood do you wanna live in JP? (i mean tokyo-wise) if you want old-school style japan i'd recommend around the ueno area. i stayed in minowa for awhile. pretty cheap over there. but other than that i lived in the spendiest parts of town where the action is. it's really not that much more expensive than here. the apts. are just smaller. if you go for ueno area you'll get more space for your buck than in western tokyo. hope any of that helps. if you want to PM me with any other tokyo stuff feel free.
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