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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. i see what you mean. i learned in thailand making curries from scratch, and there was never any chicken stock in anything. but you are right that coconut milk is like purely fat, western cooking has seemingly tried to trim that down somewhat.
  2. i like 2 nite runs with camping best. like the gorge, deer creek, any of the phish festivals... other standouts non-camping (phish) to me are amsterdam 97, vegas 98, shoreline 99 and atlanta 99 for the fourth of july. as for the dead...eugene!
  3. lol...never heard of using chicken stock in curry before. i always make my green curry way too hot.
  4. don't worry i'm very familiar with touts and scams! i'll try to keep velvet away from the gem shops
  5. btw...why would anyone bring US dollars to cuba?!
  6. i've been to cuba before but not to havana or varadero. but i figured changing my money at a cuban bank would be cool? i don't like air conditioning anyway
  7. oooh...was checking out that NH hotel the other day. there are some sweet old hotels in havana! needing something affordable for most of the trip (5-6 days in havana, 2-3 days in varadero) but willing to splurge a few nights. thanks for the info!
  8. names of any sweet but affordable places you stayed at and loved? gracias.
  9. i made fajitas last night, tons of leftovers for tonite. mmmm!
  10. not even you can spell my name right?!
  11. that is weird cuz last night i was getting a really spooky 'earthquake' vibe, like a big one was gonna happen today. i was worrying about SF. glad no one was hurt!
  12. phorbesie

    Love songs

    don't think twice it's allright always makes me shed a tear or two sniff
  13. i dunno if i can do that since the show's so early. see ya there!
  14. i think maybe the cliffs of insanity from the princess bride are on the west coast?
  15. i haven't been but i'd check out the giants causeway for sure...it's in northern ireland.
  16. did anybody get a confirmation about tickets? i hope i didn't type in the wrong email address.
  17. a friend sent me some links to check him out...blind 12 yr old prodigy...figured peeps in this thread might be interested. http://www.halmorrispianos.com/ on the right, click on this one, audio or video: Audio & Video Presentations: Listen to Ade, a child prodigy, who was recently at Hal Morris to show us his talents. and on the front page of our website, we have a video of him: http://www.jazzinchicago.org/
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