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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. velvet misses mash too...in fact he got all the mash dvds and plays mash re-runs all the time. whoopee!
  2. i agree with AD...must be due to our veteran bluesfest status F the neighbours!!
  3. OMG those action figures are awesome.
  4. dang...doubt i'll be hitting any of those either. busy fall ahead. hallowe'een in nola would be great, though i think i'll save my nola trip for jazzfest (stupid money ) lakewood would be fun for a weekend too, so many good memories from that place
  5. anders osborne - live at tipitina's DBT - brighter than creation's dark Phish - 7/25/99 (3) sisters euclid - all babies go to war
  6. we were talking about the new x files movie and i was reminiscing about friday nights in vancouver when we would all get together excited to watch a new episode. the anticipation when it started was so fun. i hope the new movie will be good! stoked to see mulder and scully again
  7. have a great birthday! you're a leo, awesome hehe (me 2)
  8. nice, traveler! i just asked the john henrys so far, and they're gonna get back to me, but one guy may be on holiday then. i'll report back
  9. somebody's posting in this thread an awful lot for hating the eagles i guess somebody secretly loves them!
  10. 20th Anniversary of Burmese Democracy Movement August 8, 2008 is the 20th Anniversary of Burmese democracy movement. Millions of people across the country rose up against the totalitarian regime, calling for the restoration of democracy and human rights in Burma. The nation-wide movement, known as “8888 uprisingâ€, was brutally cracked down by the military junta, killing more than 3,000 people. To commemorate this historic occasion, the Canadian Friends of Burma is planning to do numerous activities including the followings on August 8, 2008: · Proclamation of “Burma Day†in the City of Ottawa · Hoisting the symbol of Burmese democratic flag, “fighting peacock†· Screening film and documentaries e.g. “Beyond Rangoon,†and “Inside Burma, Land of Fear†· Photo Exhibitions on “8.8.88 uprising†in Burma · Production of CD album (song tracks contributed by Canadian musicians) · Demonstration in front of Burmese and Chinese Embassy If you want to get involved, please contact CFOB office at 613-237-8056, or email at cfob@cfob.org
  11. anyone on here in a band that would be interested in playing a short set (free, sorry ) downtown to commemmorate the 20th anniversary of 8/8/88, the massacre of burmese students and protestors by the military. ? We need a band to play for the first event at the Human Rights Monument on Aug. 8. (We will have two events. One will start around 4 or 5pm at the monument. Then the second event in Coucil Chamber at 7pm.) let me know if you know anyone interested!
  12. and velvet's been at summer camp for the past week. i think he's coming home tomorrow!
  13. what do you mean "lucky"?!! eh?!! :mad:
  14. aww yeah that show was just fun from start to finish! damn good stuff. gonna listen to that today. this girl camped next to me...it was her first show - dude.
  15. present! i saw a piece of poop shaped EXACTLY like a penis this morning, exactly, you know what i'm talkin about. lol
  16. i punched in the city to look at the hotels, and there is a 4 star one along with some 2 stars. when i go to name your own price, i only have the option for 1 or 2 stars. does that mean the 4 star is not available to bid on? thanks
  17. haven't seen a topic about this. sorry if there is one. the lineup looks great! SF Outside Lands i am gonna try and get to this, and go to the fest on sunday. too pricy for the weekend for me, i've seen the other bands lots already. we'll see though. but i need to see WSP and DBT fo sho among other goodness. any skanks hitting this one up?
  18. no, i meant steve young...forgot his last name
  19. is your friend Steve? i met him in japan but we could never meet up after that b/c neither of us was allowed in the other's country, lol
  20. i agree on the not enough ice cream! i can't eat phish food, it's just too much. haagen daz strawberry is YUM too
  21. i worked at the boot which was great but it's gone! i also worked at the IGA, which was really good. i mean it was a nice place to work and paid about $5/hr more than most retail (ie min. wage). i was a cashier. i know the owner and stuff of course, so you can say you know me if you want!
  22. more than a few winters...i used to live there. not sure what to tell you - what sort of work are you going to be looking for? get a job at the mountain if you want a free pass. other places offer passes sometimes too. whistler is just as nice in the summer as in the winter, and without the tourists.
  23. was it on here that i read the rumour about WSP in denver for NYE?
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