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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. The 2nd overtime was really boring and I started thinking about how the useless tits in the office would start brainstorming ways to introduce the shoot-out in the playoffs. Im almost scared that they might. Anyway, cant believe Detroit didnt win it last night.
  2. Happy Birthday Esau, hope to see you again this summer!
  3. Housewife in Orange County.
  4. And again for good measure! (Some people!!)
  5. Wha?? Happy birthday my friend!
  6. Scwhwa was right, here I am reading this on a fine monday morning! Thanks for the love folks, my birthday turned out awesome indeed. Looking forward to next years already (Joni - is the 8 ball solid as rock? All signs point to yes.)
  7. Im more impressed with the accuracy of your typing while in the midst of a coughingfit. Well done sir!
  8. Tournament rules man. Hal's gotta respect the rules - for the sake of kids everywhere.
  9. Tomorrow - softball tourney. Will be havincopiousamountsofbeers! Giddy up!!!
  10. I dont pay too close attention, but dont these rumours come up every summer? How much do you think the guys get paid to "hint" at a reunion?
  11. Personally, I cant help you, but this guy might be able to: http://www.theonion.com/content/opinion/im_the_denzel_washington_in
  12. Not from what i heard. Apparently the last sporting event held there was gonna be a hockey game. Some approved, some didnt. It was suppsed to include the Rangers (obviously) and either the Sabres, Wings or Islanders. Your post is the first ive heard of it being held anywhere else, to be honest.
  13. Good Stuff, Guigsy! Happy birthday!
  14. Its been shown everywhere! Last night on TBDSS they had it as their closing clip!
  15. I thought it was @ Yankee stadium??
  16. They could have played it tonight, no? But then I guess it would be back to Detroit for Saturday - and Pitt prolly wants at least one saturday game...
  17. Ill agree with you too...somewhat I started thinking about how much better the compettition is in the west and if Datsyuk and Zetterberg played in the east how much they'd tear up the league (even more, point-wise)...not to take anything away from the kids, but you know what I mean?
  18. All due respect to the Wings, Pitt has played horribly. As my old coach used to say, they look flatter than piss on a plate. I figure they'll definately win at least one @ home, just hoping its tonight to give em a little bit of life.
  19. Are those the odds that they're going to lose? Shots between 3:01 and 15:48 of the second period. You can quote me on it too!
  20. Ya, either 6-5 or Pitt gets shut out the rest of the way - which would be kind of cool in itslef. Know what realy sucks though? If the Pens get blown out. Ive noticed the american media has been all over these playoffs. ESPN.com writes about them everyday and even includes the stories on the FIRST page of their website! Other writers are taking notice as well, often taking shots at the NBA playoffs and using the NHL as an examle of how good playoffs can be. That and you've got two major american hockey markets involved and things are looking really good for the sport all of a sudden. Then Pittsburgh craps the bed in the finals...maybe. Hope they can still make a series of it! Even last night on that show where the two guys debate current sport issues they talked about the memorial cup breaking!
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