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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. But if he cares about this team so much, why not do what would help them even just a little. As it stands today they're royally fucked for the next few years. He stays, great, we miss the playoffs some more, then he retires a hero AND were stuck with a gloomy future. At least if he fucked off for a bit there might be some type of light at the end of the tunnel. The whole situation is fucked - its hard to be against Mats here - he is a stand-up dude and a great hockey player. He cant be blamed completely for this at all and part of me is totally with him on this. But the other part of me - the logical, rational side is saying "dont be such a pissy pants Mats - there's always next year to miss the playoffs with these guys!"
  2. Its interesting b/c most "blockbuster" trades dont work out anyway. The smart teams pick up the solid guys who just fill out the line-up. I wouldnt be surprised if a top tier team went after someone like Kilger from the Leafs.
  3. I bet you they trade Tanguay now that they'e publicly stated they wont.
  4. How hard is it to rent a hotel room for a month and a half?
  5. What was that about Bourque again Jaimoe?
  6. Exactly - I bet his Girlfriend is a real ball-breaker. Poor guy.
  7. Fair enough, and he's earned his right not to be treated like a little biotch, but why wouldnt he just accept a trade (for the sake of the team), then re-sign in the off-season(Its happened a billion times before)? This part I dont get, which makes me think theres something more here than "character" and "integrity". I think he's enjoying screwing with the mngmnt.
  8. Ive been contemplating this myself. The point has been made by numerous people that its not his fault that the Leafs are where they are - so is he just being stubborn? Is this his way of getting back at management? Are he and Tucker and McCabe and Kubina just laughing at everyone right now? Hard to say. Im looking forward to the playoff push! (
  9. And the Oscar for the most entertaining take on the current leaf situation goes to Plomox - kudos to you sir.
  10. I think Plomox is really Del. Laughing stock of the league we are, laughing stock of the league.
  11. Heres what ESPN says about the trade: "The Euraptors were crestfallen when they acquired Dixon at the deadline last season and found out he was American. Exchanging him for Brezec fixes that nagging problem. Also, Brezec is huge, and Toronto is desperate for size at the moment. But he's been horrid in his limited appearances the past two seasons. Personally, I'd rather have the guy who can play a little. "
  12. Ha! I bet it's popo. Where da fuck popo go anyway?
  13. If you'd a just listened to me at the beginning you could have saved yourself half a season of false hopes
  14. Ahh...see - I just havent been paying enough attention this year!
  15. Like I said, I havent been following too closely this year, but I guess Ive always sided with Calderon as the starting PG for the Raps. When Ford comes back they should trade him for a big guy.
  16. Kovalev for MVP!!! Not in this life time, but man, where would they be without him?
  17. Holy fack! Im watching the highlights (during the Leaf game) and seeing the habs get their second goal and I just get this feeling. I can see it in ther eyes. I shit you not - I felt it about to happen. Amazing! BTW - Its hard to watch the Habs now without thinking of what Halak must be thinking.
  18. Kudos to you, and congrats on the engagement as well!
  19. This is all Maxwebsters fault. He's always causing hurt feelings. Just ask Cully.
  20. Quit winkin at me - your making me all sweaty.
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