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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. When is Breaking Bad on, and where can I find it? I never see it listed, and we have a billion channels. Also, the walking dead was cool, but it was only on AMC for about a week a few months ago. What's the deal?
  2. This is my new theory to explain LeBron's performance
  3. Me too, it was great to see the guys that have put in their years win it like that. I'll try to make a case for the nonchoke for tomorrow ;)4:30 on the coast, I outta here!!
  4. Oh sloth, it's been so long since we last chatted. Im not even sure what were arguing about. I was talking about how the Media flip flops and makes dumb predictions...and yes how no one gave the Mavs a fighting chance. They have Dirk freaking Nowitzki. Don't need to watch many games to know he's one of the best players in the world. Lord knows I watch enough sportdesk to be able to make that statement. They had a good run on their end too - played in a stronger conference as well. Couple that with some wiley veterans and hell ya, give them a shot at it. Im not sayign the Heat didn't choke either, but they are making a HUGE deal about Lebron. He still has many years left, he'll bounce back, I think. That's all.
  5. Exactly, Chicago getting out of the east. Lebron over-achieves according to their expectations by just getting to the final, then chokes, according to their expectations, by losing. After game 1 everyone and their mother had Miami easily winning the series. No one gave Dallas any credit whatsoever. Even now, its Dirks great, Lebron choked. End of story.
  6. People are acting like his career ended last night. It wasn't too long ago that the "experts" had Miami being lucky to lose in the conference finals. They made it to the finals and then all the "experts" had them winning in 5 after game 1. Not that I'm willing to bet on it or anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if they won it all next year. edit to add: Which is to say, Lebron is in control of his own destiny. Once he gets his head out of his ass he'll win it. Like A-rod. Sorry for the convolusion. But thats my two cents.
  7. Hey, even A-Rod had to go through a few playoffs batting in the 1's before he finally got his ring. It happens. I think LeBron will get his.
  8. Last night's episode kicked ass! Can't wait for the season finale next week. I haven't read the books, so please no spoilers here (you guys are pretty good about that stuff though). And Im with you Dr EM, I'm pulling for the half-man too!
  9. Figures. I'll try to tough it out. Thanks for the heads up!
  10. I know eh? Luckily game 5 in hockey goes tonight and the next B-ball game should be on saturday. Looks like game 7 will be the true test of character. Hey, at least were not in Newfoundland!
  11. Ever since they introduced that damn one handed shot the game has never been the same!
  12. I can't handle these late starts! 9:30 (out here) is ridiculous. I lasted until midway through the third last night. This whole series, actually, has been the same story. For chrissakes!
  13. HA! Tosh.o will be all over that.
  14. That was a good read, thanks! The Good Will Hunting analogy was great. The NHL needs guys like Simmons to build it up.
  15. ..and the Caps should consider this: Nicklas Backstrom buyout from CapGeek.com â– 2011-12: $1,829,630 â– 2012-13: $1,829,630 â– 2013-14: $1,829,630 â– 2014-15: $1,329,630 â– 2015-16: $1,329,630 â– 2016-17: $829,630 â– 2017-18: $329,630 â– 2018-19: $329,630 â– 2019-20: -$170,370 â– 2020-21: $1,129,630 â– 2021-22: $1,129,630 â– 2022-23: $1,129,630 â– 2023-24: $1,129,630 â– 2024-25: $1,129,630 â– 2025-26: $1,129,630 â– 2026-27: $1,129,630 â– 2027-28: $1,129,630 â– 2028-29: $1,129,630
  16. Scott Gomez buyout from CapGeek.com â– 2011-12: $1,801,587 â– 2012-13: $3,801,587 â– 2013-14: $4,801,587 â– 2014-15: $1,944,444 â– 2015-16: $1,944,444 â– 2016-17: $1,944,444
  17. True say DB and PT. Hey, did anyone catch the Steve Nash interview? Booche must have freaked when he kept referring to the 'Nucks as "we"!
  18. As much as I dislike the Bruins, gotta hand it to that Thomas character, he's in the freaking zone. Stays in it too, even after he shits the bed - which he's due for in this series, btw.
  19. Just for interest's sake, Stevens on Kariya wasn't much different.
  20. Are late hits suspendable? What's the rule? It would be interesting to see what they decided had he hit him cleanly. But ya, looks to me that he aimed up and towards the head...definitely caught him in the head.
  21. Isn't that just the way? The big one's the kinky one. Every frickin time.
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