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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. They blew a 7 run lead to the Mariners?! Aye, that's not good. Do I have to look at the box score, or can I get away with assuming Frasor had a lot to do with it, followed by Rauch?
  2. Washington 6 Philly 5 Montreal 7 TB 4 Vancouver 5 SJ 6 Det 7 Nashaheim 7 (this one's tough dammit! I'll say NSH just for shits and giggles)
  3. Just read about Clouston. In my drunken state, I cant be happier that anyone would have chosen him over Heaters and then fire him two years later. At least that's how I see it. Alllllright.
  4. So long Manny, you kicked some serious ass dude. I don't even care if it was tainted because your attitude more than made up for it. Have fun in Spain amigo!
  5. Exactly. I can see the appeal in wanting to approach each incident in its own way, but they've got to go zero tolerence if they want results. I don't think they really want results though. I think that a lot of people are afraid that if you put really harsh sanctions on head shots it would lead to the "feminization" of hockey. I'm not so sure it would. There might be a large learning curve, but the players would adapt. Hockey can change and still be good. For example, I watch games from the 90's on ESPN C all the time. They would tackle each other in front of the net. Doesn't happen anymore. Does anyone really miss it? You know Adam Graves took a two handed swing at Mario Lemiuex and broke his wrist in a game? No one said shit! Compared to that era, today's hockey IS figure skating. And I think we all agree the product is still pretty darn good.
  6. I heard someone say this the other day: "If a defenceman flips the puck up over the boards in his own end its a penalty. No questions asked. They have to treat head shots the same way." Personally, I agree with the sentiment. If they really want to get rid of it they have to be really hard on it, no matter how accidental. 4 minutes for high sticks that draw blood, doesn't matter if the guy throws his face into the blade (well, maybe it would in that case, haha).
  7. When I was in HS all the wannabe gangstars from Toronto (and there were a lot of them) flocked to Wasaga every long weekend of the summer. From the stories I'd hear, it seemed like the single least appealing place to be on a long weekend. Which is too bad, cuz it is pretty nice.
  8. I absolutely hate this guy. It's not just the way he cuts off all his guests mid sentence to throw in his own opinion EVERY SINGLE TIME, its the way his face somehow matches that annoyingness. As far as hate potential goes, he's bi-winning in my books.
  9. Cause apparently the squares have caught on... Really though, its probably for the best
  10. Young team, iffy pitching.
  11. That is the best. Im sorry I missed it in the other forum.
  12. Just saw on sportsnet - Kipper and the guy who knocked him out to end his career are going to have a sit down and chat about the punch. Said Kipper, "maybe Ill punch him when he isn't looking." Should make for some pretty awkward TV!
  13. What for how and why? That bet was hilarious and Schwa needs to pay up! Also, I'd love to see some of this - knowing of such events can make living on a mountain in the middle of nowhere with nothing going on around you seem kinda boring at times.
  14. Thanks Ollie - made my friday! Gotta get down on friday.
  15. My kids! I could talk about them for ever. It would probably bore the audience quite a bit, but I could do it.
  16. Happy Birthday Carrie!! hope you have an awesome weekend!
  17. ^^that article is interesting to me because it establishes that the players in the league are awrae of the stanchion. I also like what Sedin said about how if you dont suspend him, he'll never have a record. So simple, but so true.
  18. I've been avoiding this debate for a few days now because I've had a shitload of work to do, and I had already spent way too much time in that other thread. But, Im ready to have at her again! Sorry Hab fans, in advance... So, my two cents: Chara should have got at least a "token" game as I 've heard others call it, if only to fortify the NHL's position on head shots -- accidental or not. Just to say "look, its a fast game, but be careful out there" As for the talk of criminal charges I highly doubt it would even make it to court. Im taking a sport and law class right now and we've done nothing but breif legal cases involving violence in hockey. Let me tell you, you gotta basically stop what your doing, turn around, chase the guy down the rink and beat him with your stick to be found guilty of assualt, or assault causing bodily harm (if you don't believe me I can email you a whole bunch of cases). The fact that intent in this case is so hard to prove, and that Chara has had a clean past, and that getting rubbed out along the boards is a normal part of the NHL game (I've learned this distinction is important) makes it hard for me to see any other types of disciplinary actions taken. In most cases of civil and criminal law in hockey, the judgement goes to the defendant if the injury is a result of a normal hockey play, or what is expected (and understood as normal) in the course of the game. No where is it said that a player should not ride a guy into the boards near the time keepers bench. If there was an established stigma against this (doesn't even need to be a rule; and to the best of my knowledge there's not), the situation may be different, and the case against Chara may be stronger. Again, my two cents based on reading far too many cases of violence in hockey. Im assuming that the NHL looked at it in much the same way.
  19. AD, for chrissakes were going in circles. So, for the one billionth time - I agree that F1 athletes need to train, dammit!! And, I don't give a shit about Circket. That is all.
  20. I quoted a link to ESPN? I put the development guide up first, dont forget. I got it from a textbook. On exercise science. But whatever you say man, your obviously the expert here. Im sure the world of people who have dedicated their life to understanding sport and athletics will be happy as shit to know that AD has begrudgingly accepted decades worth of work as somewhat legit. F1 - underrated perhaps. But give it a rest already. Your wrong, just accept it.
  21. They have to pick names that the general population is familiar with. The development model is used by Physical Health and Education Canada, the Long Term Athlete Development plan, the Coaching Association of Canada, and obviously the US Olympic Committee, to name a few. Its not just some arbitrary means of evaluation some guy came up with one night while drinking with his buddies.
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