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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. The scoreboard doesn't lie. Never has.
  2. [color:purple]Radek Dvorak traded!
  3. He's a good goalie, and the more I think of it the more I think Colorado was nuts to trade him for Elliot. You guys got lucky, methinks.
  4. Had a double big mac the other day in honour of this thread. It was aaight. Double QP w/ cheese is my guilty pleasure of choice though.
  5. That in itself is terrific. BTW, anyone hear Buffet's cover of Gumbo? Its pretty good!
  6. Shit. Didn't think of that. ha-ha! Nice stop on Kessel in OT.
  7. Good point. And it aint our money!
  8. Risky move. Can only go one of two ways. I've had a bad feeling about it though since day one. Hope he proves me wrong! Positive Bautista vibes from me here on out!!!
  9. In other news, when put to the test, a racecar can move faster than a human.
  10. I guess that's it right there - Ad's post (sorry Ad, not picking on you at all). When I hear "masterpiece" I expect more. I know its all subjective, but if what I hear from Arcade Fire is generally accepted as a "masterpice'- as it seems to be these days- then I say there is a shitload of masterpieces out there. And it doesn't end with music. The sofa Im sitting on right now? It was sent from the heavens.
  11. Chalk me down as one. Would't be so bad either if I wasn't constantly being told how magnificant they are.
  12. At first glance I don't really get it, its just basic trivia....the computer should EASILY beat the human, no? Google finds me shit in like .34 seconds...
  13. Komisarek and Kaberle to Anaheim for Jason Blake and Steve Thomas!
  14. Except that the the children of today, the people that actually still buy music, don't give a flying fuck about The Who and absolutely adore the Black Eyed Peas. The Black Eyed Peas won the Super Bowl.
  15. Fro fucksakes, I forgot to play Reimer tonight!
  16. I just tried it for the habs game and, i dunno maybe Im doing something wrong, but the new link didn't work when I clicked on the Habs-Panthers.
  17. I freaking love that show. You gotta do it.
  18. haha, apparently you can rate other managers now. I rated C-Towns but I don't know where to find the rating, which kinda sucks. It had potential to be fun.
  19. Eff you wimps, Im making a run for the top!! Edmonton is gonna win 10 in a row and the Bulin Wall is gonna get three shutouts. But just to show you how nice a guy I am I'll entertain trade offers for him until the end of the day. Or week. or maybe...
  20. Hal Johnson


    But when he was 18 he didn't live up to people's expectations of how an 18 yr old should act!
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