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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Serious question for you...I teach Badminton to kids that are in grades 5-8...do you know any FUN drills for it? I've looked on line, but haven't found anything all that interesting.
  2. I'm surprised at all the Ani hate around here. I bought Fista tix a couple of years ago - $50 a piece ( I really had no interest in going either, but apparently I was supposed to...). Little much in price, but shit, can she play the guitar! Don't care what any of you say. She's a PHENOMENAL musician.
  3. Anyone esle watching this tonight? I'm stoked for it. It's nice to have the Raps on too, for betwen innings. Go Pedro!
  4. I played a bunch of sports, but I actually went through a phase where I didn't play or follow anything. I think it was called LSD. It wasn't until I worked at a summer camp as the head of Basketball that I realized that I actually got something really good out of sports. It's a touching story, really. My only hope is that the dude from the Wonder Years, not Fred Savage, but his buddy, plays me in the movie. I did play shinny hockey with a bunch of 18 and 19 yr old kids at Acadia last week and I am very proud to say that I wasn't the worst one on the ice. Maybe the slowest, but definitely not the worst.
  5. Here's one of me, the new baby, and one of our cats, Chester, who can't stand to not be a part of the action. This Stanley, he's getting pretty old, but loving the fresh air and outdoors of NS. And Here's Chester:
  6. Hey C-towns, I looked you up on facebook, but Im not sure if this is you...did you dye your hair?
  7. Hal Johnson


    lol. And I don't throw those around lightly, either.
  8. I'm looking to trade Belanger (C-21.2 pts) for a half-decent D-man.
  9. Bah! Oh well...first sunday in a loooong time that I got to watch a bunch of football. The big winner today is me.
  10. I am not familiar with this pole climbing sport...something you guys in Chatham did a lot of I suppose?
  11. I know I picked the vikings to win this one, but I'm thinking I want GB to win it now. Either way, it's been awesome so far (9 min left in the fourth - 31-26 Minny, Vikings ball).
  12. Hou Chi Dal Det Indy Mia NYG Den Jack SD Minny Ari NO 47
  13. Damn, I already let it go through, but that would have been hilarious. All I have to do is make a varsity sports team at Acadia and Im there. Maybe football, there seems to be a lot of players on that team.
  14. It would have been nice if he had of paid attention to the details. None the less' date=' please dont take any of my ramblings personally Hal. I dig you and thanks for doing what you thought was right. [/quote'] Cheers, you dont have to worry about that Booche. But same to you. And you too Dinghy. And hell, I guess Ollie as well. Yer all good shit! Onward and upwards boys, onward and upwards...
  15. So ya, re-do the trade, and I ll let it go through.
  16. A - the leagues Im in have guys that want to win, and guys that want to win generally don't go after a whole bunch of players from their own team B - you can take your net and leave at anytime... I'll let the trade go through, but only because it was my fault in the first place for merely skimming it over, and making a rash decision. I still think it's a dumb trade, but that's only my opinion. Have you never been in a league where the commissioner vetoes a trade because he feels it comprimises the integrity of the league? In my experience it happens all the time. Then people fight about it and it gets switched, or it doesn't. No biggy either way. At the very least you should respect where I am coming from. It's nothing more than an attempt on my part to keep things fair, and fun. Sorry If I noticed someone was trading some quality players for a fair number of Ottawa Senators. But Im not sorry if I think this isn't good for the league. (Again, i would say the same thing if I wasn't the commish, and we'd have the same argument.)
  17. Thank you Whitey!! This is a legitimate concern. Im not trying to be a dick.
  18. I generally jump to conclusions first, then backpedal my way into corners. It helps keep the mundaness of life at a sustainable level. I'm trying to keep up....I'm doing several things at once here...and Im not far off from what's going on though. Even if I missed Dave O's post. But I have to go to class...I'll be off line for a while (maybe). We'll sort shit out later on. Hug N Kisses, Hal.
  19. And you waited this long to tell me?! Goddammit. Well played. Dinghy then? It doesn't really matter who it is. Whoever it is is fucking my shit up this morning. And as for the third Senator...I was wrong...it's only Elliot and Leclaire...
  20. I had Anderson last year and he was incredible. I only let him go because I also had Vokoun who got all the playing time. This year he is continuing his pace, and tearing it up as the main guy in Colorado. You have to admit it looks like Ollie care's more about having a team full of Senators than he does about moving up in the standings. Which is absolutely fine, except that his player dumps only benefit guys who have Senator to trade. That aint right.
  21. Boy is my face red. I completely missed Leclaire in the deal. And I guess Jokinen is off to a slow start. But before you guys rush to lynch the commish, it should be noted that Ollies last trade was his goalie for Spezza. Now he's trading his two best players for three more Senators. What's the deal with that? Maybe I jumped the gun on the veto, as I guess it can be construed that Jokinen, Leclaire, and Carle are worth it for Parise and Anderson, but something seems fishy. All I want is a fair league, and if you guys (rest of the league)think it's fair, I can let the trade go through. I really have no interest in holding all the cards. I can honestly say that I would have complained about the trade to anyone else who may have been the commish if I wasn't.
  22. And Dave O, I get you on the buy low, sell high idea, but my criteria isn't set in stone. It's actually rather loose. And What I mean by points going each way is that obviously you don't get to keep the points that are already there, but you can assume the player will continue on a certain pace, barring any injuries.
  23. Basically, Ollie is trading all his good players for crappy Ottawa Senator players. If anyone thinks this is fair, or even remotely fun, please let me know. Also, in the proposed trade you guys didnt even TRY to hide the dumbness of it. I would be a crappy commish if I let it go.
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