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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Awesome. To me, that's it in a nutshell.
  2. AD, I can accept a tie...for second place of course, behind Bo Jackson, who is clearly the athlete of the decade.
  4. Heard we lost two medal hopefuls in skiing just recently - sucks large! I don't know how much the feds dump into our national programs beyond their normal contributions. Didn't they try to do it a few years ago, but Canadaians overwhelmingly spoke out against it?
  5. Doesn't he still have steroid allegations? And don't all the other riders on the tour knock him for not competing in all the other events that they compete in? And even if he's clean, can you really say he's on a different level than Tiger, or Federer, let alone a "much higher" level? Hard to say as all three of them dominanted the best in their sports over the past ten years.
  6. This made me laugh - From Bill Simmons' mailbag on ESPN:
  7. Agreed, Whitey. We always have a good showing at the winter games.
  8. Canada won't win the most medals, but they have a shot at the gold in hockey.
  9. I know Wells isn't going anywhere. I still think my proposal was the most dynamic and innovative one to date though I was talking to someone about him yesterday though. We agreed that his most productive season's were when he hit infront of a legit power threat, such as Delgado, or Glaus (Thomas or Rolen definitely don't count). He hasn't really had that threat over the past few seasons (he might also have quit using roids - which probably more likely). Lind, however, will now be on every pitcher's radar this year and Wells may see some better pitches. He has to lay off the low-outside junk and the high heat though.
  10. Oh ya, him. They should have used my idea and packaged him with Halladay.
  11. I have the Bell stick and it works very well. In fact, the person at Roger's even told me to go to Bell because the Rogers' stick is useless. But that may just be the area I'm in. Sounds like it works fine for NW.
  12. I see your pooint, but if they had locked him up for 4 yrs he would have A) filled the hole at 3rd, and provided a solid lead-off man that they haven't had since But I guess 15 mill is a lot, even in baseball terms.
  13. Im still pissed they didn't sign Figgins.
  14. Let's freaking hope not! A Bunch of prospects from two different organisations could be huge...will definitely require some patience on the fans part though...and we all know how devoted Jays fans are.
  15. Hmmmm...wonder who the other guys are. Hey, at least he didn't go to the Yanks or the Red Sox. But really, who are the other guys?!?
  16. :cough: Ahem, Jamie Campbell is no longer doing the Jays games, and BUCK MARTINEZ is in. This is the biggest freakin news of the winter meetings people! Don't you remember - we hate Jamie Campbell, but we also hate Buck Martinez! Well that, and the Jays didn't sign Chone Figgins.
  17. D'oh! See the stats w/ Palamalu vs w/o for Pitt? Reminds of the Carolina Hurricanes when Staal's not in the line-up.
  18. Jamie Campbell out, Buck Martinez in!
  19. Figured it out. Give Halladay to whatever team is willing to take LVP Wells and his contract too.
  20. PITT (although Cleveland is very inticing right now) NO CHI DEN BUFF CIN (its getting late in the season for oldie oldson) NE NYJ JAX BALT HOU TENN WASH DAL NYG ARI 50
  21. Im with ya, but I wonder how it would work. A playoff like that would take forever to finish. The season would have to be stretched out quite a bit.
  22. When french names are pronounced phonetically.
  23. I like it too. I also like Hung and Entourage, but find their seasons to be incredibly short. HBO definitely (aside from the Office and 30 Rock) has the best shows.
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