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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. There's a reason they seperated church from state Birdy...
  2. So you dont believe the kid. Fine then. In a completely hypothetical situation that has nothing to do with this article, a teacher at a public school should not preach their religion to their students. They should be able to, hypothetically of course, get through a lecture on the Seperation of Church and State, without having to tell the students how awesome christianity is, and/or make any of the students feel as though they are having their religous views comprimised. Is that too much to ask?
  3. "According to Mr. LaClair, Mr. Paszkiewicz, during class time, advocated the theory of creationism, denigrated the beliefs of Muslims, and said that only Christians were destined for heaven. In one discussion, Mr. Paszkiewicz observed that dinosaurs were aboard Noah’s Ark. “He basically said that if you didn’t follow Jesus you’d go to hell,†Mr. LaClair said. " I dont see what any of this has to do with the topic of the course. Naturally, you'd want to talk about christianity when teaching such course, but the article clearly shows that the teacher went over and above what would be generally accepted as pertinent information.
  4. Everybody thought Denver would be a powerhouse when they got him too. Wonder how it will shape out now that he's back in the East though.
  5. Aaaaand, that article, nor the kid, is trying to say religion cant be taught (in schools), not sure how you came up with that. Not to mention, how frustrated would you be if you were taking a course on , oh say air quality in major urban centres and all the teacher did was talk about how awesome his Hummer was and that everybody should get a Hummer? Even that is more excusable than having a teaching professional preach religion when he's supposed to be educating the children on a pretty important historical event.
  6. C'mon, birdy, there's a definite difference there...The seperation of church and state can and should have been a fact laden discussion...not a teacher preaching to kids about his religion. The History of the Seperation of Church and State: Listen as our teacher tries to convince you that his religion is the best. I'd be pissed too.
  7. When you come in @ 3:00 am and she asks what time you came in the next morning, dont say 12:30.
  8. Likewise, "mood" music isnt your old band from highschool. But shit, we were good.
  9. No matter how funny you think your being, it's apparently not cool to tease your wife by driving forward a couple of feet just before she reaches the handle of the car door. Especially if your late picking her up. And, for the love of god, dont do the same thing, but in reverse right afterwards.
  10. Never, under any circumstances, say to your wife, "Your wearing that today?" And should it happen to slip out, dont try to explain yourself, it only makes it much, much worse.
  11. One thing I've learned over the years is never mess with your woman's tupperware. If she makes you lunch and sends you off with tupperware, be sure as fuck to bring it back home with you at the end of the day. Trust me.
  12. The first two reports by Rosie Dimanno (that i read at least) in the star have been very graphic. Which is why this last report is crazy to me. Two girls gave very explicit details as to what happened and then this new guy comes along and denies it. Shows how much control Frost may have had/still has over these guys. Pretty freaky shit.
  13. I know, I wasnt gonna mention anything until this came up. Hope he gets what he deserves.
  14. Anyone following this? The guy is a sick fuck. The last two days have had different witnesses go into detail about how sick he was, but today a new witness denies he ever did anything! Something tells me this new witness aint telling the whole truth though... http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/527527
  15. Between the Leafs and WS I missed the Raps...Bosh got 27 and O'Neil 17...not too shabby.
  16. No doubt, what the hell was that?!? Edit to add: Can you believe they won?!?
  17. Yup, congrats to the Phillies, they definitely earned it. We should watch what happens in Philladelphia tonight, cuz I imagine it will be much the same as when the Leafs win a cup. On Chase Utley's play: The commentators are wrong on this one. What Chase Utley did was what anyone would do. He fielded the ball and went to make the throw to first. When he noticed he had no play, he wisely held on to the ball. Big whoop. Then he noticed the Tampa runner rounding third and gently (he had the guy by a mile) tossed the ball to home as anyone in their right mind would do in the same situation. He didnt, however, "Fake the throw to first" in order to fool the Tampa runner into running for home, as the announcers would have you believe. "People will be talking about Chase Utley and this amazing play for long time," they said. Yes, they will, but they should really be talking about the bonehead coach who sent the runner, not Utley who was just playing his position.
  18. Its sad but true. Sometimes it's one hand on the the spindle, the other frantically lifting CD's one at a time until I find Cully's Frontier Mix '06, or maybe it's Use Your Illusion II, either way, it's my left knee holding down the steering. Dont act like any of you have never done this before...
  19. Good point tigger, If anyone ever saw me and the way I navigate through CD's while driving it would be sooo banned.
  20. That, and the Flight of the Conchords is on the comedy channel now :thumbup: :thumbup:
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