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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. fuck, i know! they're playing sept 4th in buffalo and i'm hoping to go. Friday night!
  2. wishing i was anywhere near the northeastern US for the next few days...
  3. Hahah... awesome! Thanks DEM! No doubt!! I feel so all alone!
  4. Rob not Bob - i hear you, and my bad on the comparison. I'm completely coming from a biased stand point of just simply not liking the music they put out there... so when Thorgnor made his today and back in the day comparisons, i jumped in there with that one. Not fair, yep. My bad. Anyway, i'm not attacking them BECAUSE of their success - not at all. Rather because a, i just don't like their tunes (as mentioned above) and because Bono preaches like he's a worldly saint and then buys a crazy jet to go touring, blows 40 million on a stage that requires transport after transport rolling down the world's highways to set up and tax evades. Smart businessman, sure. And whatever, half of what i enjoy exists because of smart business people... but don't go preaching to the world like a concerned rockstar would and then do the exact opposite. Not overly cool. As for stopping it and not going over the top the U2 tour way simply because it would piss of the fans not being able to get tickets, I totally disagree. U2 doesn't seem like the kind of band that would even consider stopping it. Anyone who spends $40 million on a stage (c'mon that's excessive) obviously loves the show that money creates. It's who they are, their image and what people expect of them. They created that monster themselves. David Byrne on the other hand consciously decided when filming Stop Making Sense that he dind't want any of the special effects, tricks, etc. but rather for the cameras to focus on the musicians themselves. Different strokes for different folks. But to justify spending that kind of money because they HAVE to is wrong. They don't have to, they just do... and everybody loves a crazy light show. Santana, on the other hand, ROCKS.
  5. Haha... isn't it the same? I don't like what they do and think what they do sucks. Musically and environmentally. It's all just my personal opinion... still subjective. I'll admit there was a day and age where i'd lay on my bed and listen to 'One' on repeat contemplating worldly existence and all that... but those were also the days i thought Alannis Morrisette was the shit and was hooked on Bel Biv Devoe. So i'll give you the reinvention thing, but i find Bono's voice overpowering and the band boring, generic and kinda emotionally inept. Couple that with the huge hypocrisy of the band's actions in a worldly sense, and i'd say it's just not my cup of tea, that's all.
  6. I feel for you - Toronto stinks!! Speaking of garbage strikes - i was driving through downtown Windsor about a week and a half ago and came across a pack of six deer at around 2 in the morning... DOWNTOWN WINDSOR. Pretty crazy.
  7. Quit stealing my lines! I haven't changed... i'm just letting my niceties shine through to my internets personality.
  8. They suck. But now that i think about it, the comparison is apt. Because when it comes down to it, it's all music on a stage... whether you're playing to 1200 people or 40,000 people doesn't change the fact that you're still up there, doing your thing and making music. U2 consciously picks their venues, their stage, their corporate sponsors to fund their massive carbon footprint they call a tour. But it still boils down to the music, and that's why i make the comparison... and say they suck. To each their own though. It's all subjective.
  9. $40 million set-up cuz your band can't entertain vs. bare stage and awesomeness: = Byrne wins, anyday. Go TIGERS!
  10. 'cept it appears as though you're a jays fan. ewww.
  11. boo U2. i can't stand that band. *shudder* a 40 million dollar stage is pretty damn crazy.
  12. Birdy


    err... i was kinda wondering the same thing.
  13. Hahahah! That's awesome.
  14. Why does everything i want to see/do in Toronto have to fall on a Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday!?! I so wish there was a Michigan date. Vacation time pending, i'll be there!
  15. My pickle jar/apple cider vinegar has some fruit flies in it too.
  16. My jar had zero fruit flies in it this morning. Perhaps they sleep at night. I'm going to do an uber power clean of my kitchen tonight, stop storing my fruit on the counter and maybe make up the saran wrap fruit fly trap YT suggested.
  17. I think i was counting on fruit flies being really, really stupid. I have a huge pickle jar with holes the size of finger nails punctured in it. I'll see just how smart they are in the morning. I put it right beside the bananas and melon too.
  18. I just read online to put an inch of apple cider vinegar in a jar and poke some holes in the top of it. I guess the fruit flies can go in, but can't find their way back out. I'm going to give it a go tonight.
  19. Birdy

    sarah palin

    I tried to dumb it down a bit by talking about neck punches.
  20. Seriously, HELLLLLLLLP!
  21. They were probably hurting... those boys gave giver a whole new name in Toronto on Friday night. Chugging JD outta the bottle and kicking a stage full of broken beer bottles around. At the end of the night John tried to crowd surf to the back of the room and got dropped so hard i thought for a split second someone should see if he was ok... until he jumped up, yelling 'FUCK YEAH'!! Sorry that they were dissapointing to you Ottawians... they were the furthest thing from in Toronto!
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